
The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: Kamala Serves Word Salad, Abortion Lies, and Journalist Scandals Erupt

Your source for mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malarkey. 

We are finally seeing Kamala Harris sitting for interviews, and despite the fact she was only visiting friendly faces, the discussions were still a mess. First was a visit with the National Association of Black Journalists, where she faced tough questions, such as: How does she feel about Donald Trump attempting to steal the joy from her campaign? She also sat with Oprah Winfrey and other celebrities, and in each appearance Harris came off as a blathering meandering mess of messaging. It is very clear why her campaign has been one of media avoidance.

We also look into the biggest policy position of Harris and the Democrats - abortion - and they are revealed as desperate by the number of ways they need to lie about what abortion laws are delivering as far as results. One of the latest is ProPublica pushing the false story of a Georgia woman who died, blaming the law in that state. We’ll also show how patently false this claim is under inspection. 

Then there are multiple scandals involving journalists in stories they normally would be shouting about, and at CNN there was the attempt to shame one MAGA fan at a Trump boat parade, but this man was having none of this reporter’s nonsense.

Now, crack one open and savor some mainstream media malpractice and misinformation.


 As it is said, this one aged like fine yogurt in the desert:


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