
The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: Interview Askew, Selective Quote Outrage, and More Pro-Dem PR Spin

Your source for mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malarkey.

For the first time 40 days since being chosen as the Democrat Party candidate, Kamala Harris finally sat for a formal interview. Dana Bash was the selected talking head, and while she was not entirely obsequious, it was a rather favorable exercise. Some commented it seemed more of an informal coffee clatch discussion, and while it was not a consummate disaster for Harris, it did little to build up her image. Additionally, the expected surge in the polls following the Democratic National Convention may not have materialized.

Sticking with CNN, we have John Berman looking to take JD Vance to task for posting a joke online, suggesting that posting mockable comments from someone’s past could cause emotional damage to the individual featured. But, you might ask, does that mean CNN being focused on Vance’s past comments was damaging? Then there is CBS News trying to impact the advertising revenues for Elon Musk.

Lastly, Kamala Harris' claim that her work history included making fries at McDonald’s is exposed as a fabrication, but the press assures us the story that was said to be important must now be discarded as trivial.

Now, crack one open and savor some mainstream media malpractice and misinformation.



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