Lie-Able Sources Podcast: A Look at the Downfall of the Press

Your source for mainline mainstream media misdeeds and malarkey.

In this episode, we will offer up a bit of a hybrid, in honor of the 20th Anniversary of RedState, serving as both a sample and an overview. We take a look at the media reactions to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, with the press once again showing their hands and becoming exposed. The fact that violence targeting the right occurred means this derails the media narratives on the dangers of those on the right.


From there we look at how in the past nine months the media complex has suffered several broadsides to their already flagging reputation. From the ruinous coverage of the Israel-Hamas war to the need to excuse mounting antisemitism in the country up to the rendering that has taken place as Joe Biden took them down with him in a disastrous debate performance.

It has been a rough year for the press, and things do not appear to be improving. We will be monitoring this collapse closely in the months going forward.

Now, crack one open and savor some mainstream media malpractice and misinformation.



EDITOR'S NOTE: Normally, this Lie-Able Sources Podcast is behind the RedState paywall. This week, it’s not, in honor of our 20th Anniversary and as readable evidence and encouragement to become a VIP member, which gets you more access. Going here and using the special discount code of “RS20” gets you 60% off — the largest discount ever. That works out to around five cents a day to read and support the best online conservative commentary. See you there.


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