
The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: A Look Ahead at 2024, and This Week’s Reporting Is Already a Bad Sign

Your source to mainline mainstream media malarky and missteps.

With the new year comes expectations, but the press is still up to its old playbook - and it might actually be ramping up the activities leading to so much negativity towards the industry. It is almost as if the journalists and news outlets want to insist that their bias and partisanship will work out in the end…as the customer base continues to walk away.

As a sign of this mindset, this week proves it is possibly getting worse. There was a shooting at a high school in Iowa and, predictably, as soon as we learned the culprit was from the LGBT𝜋 community, the media fled. Then, we have Vivek Ramaswamy delivering a graduate-level lesson on how to handle biased media--in not just one but two sterling examples. And speaking of lessons, we look at the press reaction to Harvard President Claudine Gay stepping down in her scandal. Of course, conservatives are to blame…for her years of stealing other people’s work.

Now, crack one open and savor some mainstream media malpractice and misbehavior.



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