Climate Reporter Attempts to Defend Dubai Enviro-Summit and Instead Exposes the Problems


Say what you will about the climate cultists out there (no, seriously — say whatever you like!), but these tie-dyed-hards are rather entrenched with their positions. At this point, I do not even believe many of them believe their narratives, but the job security and power-grabbing tendencies are too much to relinquish. 


Such as it is, when blatantly moronic displays which dispel claims emerge, the fallback talking points and boilerplate defenses are blithely spewed forth. The expectation is that we will swallow their tripe (PETA be damned), and they will continue to move on with their push. The truth? These people are being ignored with a growing frequency, and they are losing their grip on their cherished topic.

This springs up from a posting by Axios climate reporter Andrew Freedman. He attempts to defend the high-minded set of this planet who are incurring a rash of criticism over their noble desire to save the planet from ourselves. The amusement can be found in both Freedman’s effort to shield the upper-strata experts from the grousing by the rabble, as well as in his neutered tactic. In the move to be dismissive and condescending, he instead manages to expose himself and the flaws of his goals.

At issue is the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference. This is one of those regular confabs where the vaunted thinkers gather to deliver their Chicken Little palaver and blame the rest of us for the global woes. That these progressive climate events have been staged for years without making any discernable progress on the climate issue is not allowed to be pointed out. The planetary problems worsen, and this then requires more climate conferences to be staged to “solve” the irreconcilable crisis.

One consistent factor to these gatherings is that they are held at a tony locale complete with a sprawling airport. As the power brokers and eggheads demonize our reliance upon fossil fuels, it is always a grand sport to see runways filled with the private jets these concerned souls kite in aboard. Making this year’s flocking even more asinine is the conference being held in Dubai. Perfect — tell me more about how I’m the demon for not driving a Prius as we look over the G6-choked tarmac inside a wealthy, oil-rich country.


Today, more people have pointed out this gross ignorance on display, and it has bothered Andrew Freedman. As the likes of Kamala Harris and John Kerry are being scorched while they descend the staircase of the luxury planes they independently flew into the region, Andrew is there to defend their esteemed honor from the ravages of us, the unwashed gentry.

In a way, we need to give Mr. Freedman a bit of due applause. He manages to condense several ridiculous thoughts inside the concise delivery of just two sentences. He starts with a dismissive approach: “To all those complaining…” as if it is unseemly for people to have critical words for our politicians jetting around and staying in posh hotels to demonize our way of life while pledging our money to others who despise us. Kammy is over there pledging to give them a $3 billion check; the accountability on how that money will be spent is nonexistent. But we are in the wrong for being concerned.

Andrew tries to dismiss the private jet complaint as an unoriginal critique. The reason for this (dare I say) recycled criticism, Andrew, is that, yes, it has been going on for years. The point being — these elitist prigs are still doing it! It is undistilled hypocrisy for these power-mad dolts to lecture us about our fuel consumption while they do not take steps to curtail their own. Explain how it is that Kerry and Kamala are truly concerned when they did not even commute together to the Summit in Dubai. 


Look also at the impacted approach taken by this journalist. The obvious context we have to inject is that Freedman is in defense mode over his realm. He, as a climate reporter/activist, has to protect his field of study for the sake of job security. This is how he arrives at the insipid conclusion that the real problem is not a ton of people from hundreds of nations all flying in and generating enough greenhouse emissions to rival that of an Icelandic volcano. No, the complaint is with those of us who noticed this is happening. Again.

And he was not finished! One of the constant complaints about these Lear llamas gathering in an environmentally abusive fashion is that they could save on emissions and save the planet by telecommuting. But Freedman declares this is an impossibility. He calls it a “fact” that people from 190 countries cannot Zoom. Andy…the reason people are so quick with the video-conference solution is that so many of us endured that very practice during the pandemic. We saw a massive swath of this country reduced to remote working at that time. Why, today, is it an impossibility for a smaller amount of people to do so?

What is clear in all of this is that the very people who are claiming to look for solutions to their perception of a global threat become outraged when those who are deemed as lesser beings are offering up tangible solutions. When things that would actually lead to the kind of changes demanded of us are mentioned, these self-elevated beings bristle at the concept, and we become denigrated for daring to point out how they defy their very pronouncements.


When they want us to sacrifice our lifestyles and our cash for their cause, we are going to speak out. When these idiots fail to lead by example and alter their own behavior to match their lectures, then we will ignore them and their claims. This leads to a result where the only people remaining to listen to the environmental elitists are the climate journalists – and fewer people are listening to them as well.


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