
The Lie-Able Sources Podcast: Bad Vibes From the Times, Bad Numbers for CNN, and Good Behavior With Animals

Your source to mainline mainstream media malpractice and misbehavior.

With this week’s Friday Document Dump™, there is a varied assortment. The New York Times appears to have let one of the kids school us on the economy, and the result is less than you would expect from Schoolhouse Rock. There are also a lot of commentaries to be found about the Brittney Griner news, and not all of it is ridiculous. We also have plenty of news about CNN, and one of their newsmen has to go to other outlets to find it…??

Then, to mix things up, we include some Hollywood news, and then get a lesson in proper animal comportment from a vegan on a comedy show. (We need to show proper respect and not reduce animals by using cliches, or something.)

Now crack one open and savor some media mayhem



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