All other times they would be roundly ridiculed, but they love Biden, so everything is approved.
You see immediately the duplicity in the latest Washington Post agitprop that declares the Never-Trump ‘movement’ something to be impressed in looking over. It begins by citing a cellphone video by a man named Josh. Shirtless, smoking, and with a drawl thicker than Carolina Barbeque sauce, he seems the very embodiment of the kind of denizen of Trump country the press routinely mocks.
But Josh has come forward to declare that he is a former Trump voter and, after apologizing for his last vote, states he is voting for Joe Biden. Not only is Josh easily the one of the derided sorts but he goes on to declare that if Biden drops out he would vote for a tomato can before casting a vote again for Donald Trump. This elevated political thinking is what the Washington Post uses to open its glowing segment on the Never-Trump movement.
It is easy to see why WaPo is impressed by the likes of Josh, and the various allegedly Republican-run anti-Trump groups, like the Lincoln Project, and Republican Voters Against Trump. These are a group of people who can be labeled as GOP/Republican/conservative in one fashion or another, but all have one thing in common — they all talk like Democrats. These groups claim to be conservatives who are appalled by what Trump has done to the Republican party, but their messaging is never trending anywhere close to conservative values.
While presented as ”a broader “Never Trump” rebellion’’ by the Post what we are presented is the same tired group of cranks we have seen since 2016. We have covered the Lincoln Project here before, a group of political operatives who opposed Trump in the last Presidential election, and lost. Campaign veterans like Rick Wilson and Steve Schmidt have never gotten over Trump’s victory, so they have banded with other behind the scenes names and formed a PAC that draws millions from Democrat donors and pays out most of the funds to their own production companies to make scathing commercials blasting the President.
And the newer group, RVAT that seems to be joining the fray? It is not new in the slightest. The names attached to this outfit all derive from that infamous Never-Trump mouthpiece, The Bulwark. Same old cranks, just different packaging.
Whenever I have discussed these Never Trump groups with people I have said they are best explained in this fashion: They claim to oppose Trump in the name of conservatism, but they never manage to come up with conservative names or candidates who are offered up as an alternative. These people have yet to come up with options which show the pathway of what they claim is ‘’true conservatism’’. All they do is oppose.
The WaPo article proves this out. In its presentation of what the Lincoln Project has in mind for operations on the upcoming election you see only oppo-efforts in place.
They are coordinating over 2,500 volunteers in Michigan and plan to next target Republican Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Joni Ernst (Iowa), Thom Tillis (N.C.) and Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.), who they see as vulnerable after his challenger, Jaime Harrison (D), pulled in a staggering $13.9 million since April.
And unlike in 2016, when many of them bandied around independent candidate Evan McMullin, whose campaign failed to dent Trump, their work this time is aimed on damaging Trump’s standing rather than on offering a Republican alternative or challenging Trump at the party’s convention.
This is at least partially explained by one reality: McMullen was the candidate Rick Wilson was working for in 2016. He had no intention of winning, but his presence was entirely supposed to siphon votes away from Trump. Considering how that failed in its effort there is not much surprise that Wilson will shy away from attaching to another name on the party side, instead going full throttle on the opposition efforts.
Next WaPo brings up The Right Side PAC, a recently formed group that the press was trumpeting last month, claiming it was made of Republican party operatives who were defecting the party and voting for Biden. Hardly. It largely consists of existing cranks who were never on board with Trump. It is run by Matt Borges, longtime Ohio GOP chairman who worked on behalf of John Kasich to defeat Trump in the primary, before he was forced out of the state position by the President.
John Weaver, of the Lincoln Project, has long range plans in store for after a Joe Biden victory. They will next go after a list of other GOP names, such as Tom Cotton, Josh Howwley, and even FoxNews star Tucker Carlson. This is all done with an eye on the 2024 campaign, proving out — yet again — they have no plan in place to forward this conservatism they so frequently mention. Nothing to offer, just resistance — the kind of thing you expect from Democrats. It is all these Never-Trumpers have to offer.
Where they will go if Trump is reelected is not a mystery. They will continue to oppose, continue to collect Democrat money, all while becoming irrelevant with the movement to which they always claim to attach.
In one of the upcoming Lincoln Project commercials they are targeting GOP Senators, again working on behalf of the Democrat party. In listing the candidates it says ”Learn their names. Remember their actions. And never, ever trust them again.” This strikes as a prescient bit of projection by the Project. Whichever candidate wins, after November this group will never be trusted within conservative circles, not after they way they have worked so stridently in favor of leftwing extremism.
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