It is amusing, in an extremely disturbing fashion, to watch as our national press corps contorts itself into any conflicting position so long as it allows for them to slander President Trump. Note how Trump rallies are currently called incubators for the fatal spread of coronavirus following on the heels of praiseworthy coverage of thousands packing urban areas for weeks in order to protest…this administration.
With so many in the media pretending that Friday’s rally by President Trump held at the base of Mount Rushmore was some sort of hateful effrontery to all that is good and decent about our country we need to illustrate that this was not always the case. It was just about this time four years ago when Bernie Sanders took his campaign to South Dakota, and no outrage was heard from the press.
Pursuant to the new moral stricture promulgated this week by the NYT & CNN — that Mount Rushmore is a shameful monument to racism and white supremacy — both CNN and Bernie Sanders ought to repent for this praise they jointly heaped on it in 2016:pic.twitter.com/0MRNO2PJ2j
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) July 4, 2020
Hilary Clinton made a campaign stop at the historic monument in 2008, and somehow she was never challenged on what her visit meant in the name of white supremacy.
Then there was then candidate Barack Obama, who somehow skirted accusations of forwarding white supremacy with his visit to the hateful sculpture that same campaign. President Trump’s DOC, Zack Parkinson shared these glowing reviews.
Fascinating how CNN called Mount Rushmore "majestic" and "quite a sight" in 2008 when Obama visited, but now its a symbol of slavery and stolen landhttps://t.co/3sV1ZEfW9L https://t.co/GTIH9tzOim pic.twitter.com/5Vu6uQp4XS
— Zach Parkinson (@AZachParkinson) July 3, 2020
And just to add to the merriment, Zach offered up this transcript of a segment with more praiseworthy words to found, this time from none other than Jim Acosta.
Is that ***rubs eyes*** Jim Acosta saying Mount Rushmore is a "fitting campaign stop for a presidential contender"?https://t.co/9d07hSSwPz pic.twitter.com/GAQCCGVIik
— Zach Parkinson (@AZachParkinson) July 3, 2020
Well as we are seeing today, so much has changed with the passage of time and the dawning realization of what can be interpreted as hateful and intolerant — all of which is dependent on who is occupying the White House.
Now in short order we are seeing that the messaging has been fully embraced by the press corps, and in no-longer-surprising fashion we watch as numerous players from a variety of outlets are all delivering the same narrative.
Tom Elliot from Grabien has fashioned a succinct supercut of many of the journalistic thinkers who have come forward to declare how racist it was for President Trump to speak at the base of the engraved Presidents.
Media: It’s Time to Topple Mt. Rushmore pic.twitter.com/A1Cj95paoc
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) July 5, 2020
Just to underscore the idiocy on display here, none of these ‘’disturbing’’ details being reported on are anything approaching ‘’Breaking News’’. The history of this landmark has not been shrouded in mystery. We have been aware the sculptor behind the project was an avowed Klan member. The detail on the personal lives of our founders has been readily available. The contested land of the Lakota Native Americans where Mount Rushmore was carved has been long reported. (Less coverage has been made over the Lakota coming from the Minnesota region and taking over that land from the Cheyenne, who had previously fought to take it over from the Kiowa tribe.)
What needs to be pointed out is that all of this was well known to the press. They had ALL of this information when Bernie Sanders visited, and it was well established during Hillary’s hailed arrival. They had even each been asked about having their head added to the mountain some day. Imagine how racist that question would be regarded as being, if asked today.
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