A possible sign of the growing wave of frustration with politicians’ overreach.
Following an accelerated judicial process, an appeal from the state legislature that was sent to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin was decided last night. The high court ruled in a 4-3 decision to overturn the extended stay-at-home executive order from Governor Tony Evers. As frustrated citizens are eager to get back to earning a living the GOP-led legislature issued the challenge when Evers extended his EO that was set to expire at the end of April. Evers, state Democrats, and some in the media are not happy about the ruling.
”Now we have no plan, and no protections for the people of Wisconsin,’’ the governor told CNN, insisting this decision, ‘’puts our state into chaos.’’ That chaos could be described as citizens rushing out last night to pack into long-closed establishments. Evers sounds like numerous other Democrat leaders across the country, who invoke safety and concerns for the population, which can only be provided by the likes of themselves. Meanwhile, the citizenry is expressing their desire to frequent the eateries and drinkeries across the state.
Feeding the dismay felt by Evers as he loses some of his strangleholds, Chris Cillizza of CNN spoke with a local journalist, sounding desperate to find a way to get things back to lockdown. ”The court ruling throws out Evers’ stay-at-home order,’’ Cillizza said to Patrick Marley, of the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, ”But does it put anything in its place?’’ Chris seems to think courts and judges should mandate rules from the bench, it seems.
Marley did provide some hope for those wishing to keep the citizens under wraps and prevented from living life. He indicated that the court ruling did not affect county and community leadership on the local level. This means that those wishing to maintain the hammerlock on citizens can still impose restrictions. It could also lead to a fragmented rules system where neighboring counties can have widely differing sets of rules in place.
You can hear then desperation on the voice of Evers, who can only intone dire results from granting citizens their right to go out and live their lives. ”Thanks to the Republican legislators who convinced four Supreme Court justices to not look at the law but look at their political careers I guess — it’s a bad day for Wisconsin.” Or, looked at another way, it is a bad day for statist jack-boot governors drunk on power, and a good day for liberties.
”It’s the wild west,’’ says a frustrated Evers, clearly preferring to lord over a timid Wisconsin.
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