Marble Halls & Silver Screens Podcast ep. 59 -- The CPAC Our Bags Edition

Covering the connection of DC politics and Hollywood entertainment as they contribute to our culture.

Sarah and Brad had their first show following the conservative show in Washington D.C. that was the Conservative Political Action Conference. It was a lengthy weekend of speeches, panels, interviews, and all other sorts of wildly exciting and deeply captivating activiti…zzzzzzzzzzz.


But, if you are a political wonk or the like it can be fun. Sarah and Brad proved this by knocking around the city and seeing some deeply important historical sights — they visited the Exorcist Steps, and threw back some cocktails at the bar in the Trump International Hotel.




THIS WEEK’S THEME: “Dedicated Follower of Fashion” – The Kinks


  • CPAC was had, and we savored all of the splendor, and any of the other superlatives that the guidebook promised would take place. Plus, Brad heard the President speak!
  • During the conference Brad was able to sit down with one of the student activists from Parkland, Kyle Kashuv. An impressively mature and well-versed youth.
  • Sarah covered the story evolving at the border has US officials creating a database of activists and journalists who may cross over. There is gnashing of teeth taking place.
  • A South Carolina mayor came forward with a report of a hate crime because she found her car covered in a yellow substance — just like everyone else in town.
  • Speaking of ridiculous hate-claims, David Corn reported on a particularly disturbing piece of graffiti he found that was so upsetting nobody believed him.
  • A new environmental bill in Congress will charge energy companies a not-tax, leading to imports being leveed a not-tariff. This will be a not-failure, according to the dolts who wrote it.
  • Will Smith has a new film he has been cast in, and there are people who are upset because as an African American actor playing an African American character he is not black enough for the role.

for more insightful ridiculousness, follow us:
Podcast: @Lee_Slager
Sarah: @Sarailola
Brad: @MartiniShark


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