Questions Abound After Jill Biden Takes Over Cabinet Meeting for a Visibly Tired Joe Biden

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Who is leading the United States of America? That was the chief question that emerged after a confusing scene at the White House played out on Friday. 

Things began with Joe Biden holding his first cabinet meeting in over a year, a timeline so absurd that it's hard to understand how a bigger deal hasn't been made about it. That wasn't what set off the most red flags, though. Instead, it was who the president ended up deferring to. After fumbling over some pre-written notes, a visibly tired Biden turned and handed things off to Jill Biden. 


I get that we are supposed to act like this is normal, but it's not normal. It doesn't matter what she was there to comment on. What matters is that she's there in the first place. Jill Biden is not an elected or appointed official. No one voted for her, which makes her opinion on policy completely irrelevant. That's especially true when considering issues serious enough to be discussed at a cabinet meeting. 

It's one thing for a First Lady to show up at a school to talk about school lunches or some anti-bullying campaign. It's another for them to lead a cabinet meeting as if they hold real governmental power. Which begs the question: Does she? 

ALSO SEE: Where is Joe Biden - and Who Is in Charge?

With Biden being forced out of the presidential race, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if Jill Biden was given assurances she'd get to cosplay as a power broker down the stretch. With her once-expansive ambitions knee-capped by Kamala Harris' ascent to the Democratic Party nomination, the First Lady's time in the spotlight is running short. Pretty soon, she'll be reduced to babysitting her husband as he sleeps on a Delaware beach, and given her history, there's no doubt she resents that development. 

RELATED: Awkward Video of Jill Biden in Paris Raises Questions of Why She's Even There

Of course, MSNBC had zero concerns. 


It's pretty astonishing that we are now two months removed from the President of the United States suddenly dropping his reelection bid while offering no explanation and not a single mainstream press outlet has bothered to ask for details. Now, we've got Jill Biden showing up to take over cabinet meetings and it's still all smiles from the fourth estate. 

What's most frustrating is that Democrats appear to be on a path to get away with this. I don't know whether Harris will win in November or not, but it does look like Biden will be allowed to finish his term despite clearly being incapable of fulfilling the duties of his office. The 25th Amendment should have been used on him a long time ago.


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