She's Back: Off-Script 'Veep' Kamala Harris Rides Again With Multiple Word Salads and Cringe Moments

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

She's back. Off-script Kamala Harris returned with a vengeance on Sunday providing several mock-worthy moments.

Often compared to Julia Louis-Dreyfus' character on "Veep," Harris has long spun word salads and spoken nonsensically when she ventures off the teleprompter. Until this point, though, her astroturfed campaign (in which she won zero primary votes before becoming the nominee) was doing a relatively decent job wrapping her in political bubble wrap. She'd do some rallies with opening musical acts, read short speeches, and generally get nowhere near any situation that wasn't heavily produced and focus-grouped. 


SEE: Pro-Hamas Protesters Interrupt Kamala Harris' Rally 

Someone running for president can't do that forever. To prove that, here's Harris on the stump as if she just chugged a bottle of Jose Cuervo before going on stage. 

HARRIS: Our election is about understanding the importance of this beautiful election of ours in terms of what we stand for around the globe as a democracy. As a democracy, we know there's a duality to the nature of democracy. On the one hand, incredible strength when it is intact, what it does for its people, to protect and defend their rights, their liberty, their freedom. Incredibly strong, and incredibly fragile. 

That clip is classic Kamala Harris. The repetition of words to stretch her run time because she didn't practice beforehand? It's there. The way she pretends to be making a highly intellectual point while saying nothing of note? It's there. The strained speaking style in which she tries to frame her words as incredibly powerful? That's there too. It's the Harris word salad we've all come to know and love. 

Let's talk about what she's trying to say, though. Democracy does not "protect and defend" rights. On the contrary, democracy can crush rights without constitutional checks in place that protect against the tyranny of the majority. Why is that important? Because people tend to be easily emotionally manipulated, a lesson that has been taught over and over throughout history. Pure democracy never ends well. 


With that said, America's version of democracy (i.e. republicanism) is not "incredibly fragile." It is incredibly resilient. Any politician suggesting otherwise is simply lying, using unfounded fear for political gain while actually undermining democracy.

Moving on, Harris wasn't done. While speaking to a high-school football team, she produced this banger of a quote. 

HARRIS: And by doing that, and all that requires, which is the hard work, the practice, working as a team, knowing that you will be undefeated even if you don't win every game, but no circumstance or event or moment will defeat your spirit...

You'd think Harris' handlers would have figured out that giving inspirational speeches to sports teams isn't her thing after the disastrous one she gave back in 2023 to a losing Howard University team. I guess not, though. 

Would you believe me if I told you there's more? Harris also riffed on "return on investment" after being asked how she'll pay for her insane big government giveaways. 


This is who Kamala Harris actually is. She's not the person that's been kept on a teleprompter for most of her presidential campaign. She's the person who talks in circles about democracy or tells sports teams that everyone gets a trophy if they just try. She's the person who doesn't prepare and sounds like the neighborhood drunk when she speaks off the cuff. 

It was just a matter of time before the real Harris reemerged, and there are still two-and-a-half months before the election. There's going to be a lot more of this to come. We'll see how voters respond after being bombarded with so much highly-curated propaganda for the last month. 


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