Kamala Harris' Public Inauthenticity Stems From Being Psychotic Behind Closed Doors

AP Photo/Kayla Wolf, File

On Thursday evening, Kamala Harris made the released Russian hostages wait on the plane without their families so that she could take pictures with them one by one. She then spit out a word salad about diplomacy that would give anyone a migraine. It was so bad that the official "Kamala HQ" campaign account edited her quote to make it seem more coherent. 


SEE: Campaign X Account Tries and Fails to Gaslight Us on Harris Word Salas

Behold, the wordsmith in action (with the real quote presented).

The scene was a stark reminder of just how inauthentic Harris is when she speaks publicly. She is perpetually the student who talks in circles because they didn't bother to read past page nine of the book that was assigned. That she tries to dress her constant unpreparedness up in circular, lofty language only comes across as more fake

So why does she behave that way when she's off-script? What makes Harris the most focus-grouped, over-produced politician since Hillary Clinton was relevant? Why is it such a chore for her to present as a normal human being with real emotions when the cameras are on? 

I think the answer came in Jennifer Van Laar's latest report on how Harris acts behind closed doors. 

SEE: 'Good Morning, General' - Intern From Kamala Harris' Attorney General Days Shares Eye-Opening Stories


In other words, Kamala Harris is so inauthentic in public because she's so psychotic behind closed doors. This is a woman who made interns address her as "general." She's also been reported to be extremely hostile to staffers, including verbally abusing them with profanity. As Van Laar notes, there is a reason that Harris has seen 92% of her staff turnover since becoming vice president. 

From the creepy cackle that appears at the most random times to Harris' reliance on mindless repetition in her speaking, it's all a symptom of someone who is desperately trying to present herself as something she's not. In other words, it takes actual effort for her to not be the person she is behind closed doors because that person could never win a presidential race. 

The truth will continue to come out, though. Three months isn't a long time, but it's an eternity in political terms, and that's how much time is left between this writing and election day. Harris can't hide forever, and every time she opens her mouth, she'll reveal the truth without meaning to.


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