
It's Time for Republicans to Stop Being Cowards and Actually Win on Abortion

AP Photo/Rebecca Santana

On Monday, Florida's Supreme Court upheld the state's six-week abortion ban, allowing it to take effect. That won't be the final word on the issue, though. The court also ruled that a ballot initiative on constitutionally enshrining abortion will be allowed onto the ballot in November. 

The conservative-leaning court's decision on the 15-week ban also means that a six-week abortion ban, with exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the woman, that Gov. Ron DeSantis signed into law last year will take effect. 

But the bench's ruling to allow the constitutional amendment to appear on the ballot this fall means voters will have a chance in just seven months to undo those restrictions. 

The reaction among some was predictable if not pathetic. "Conservative" influencers who once proclaimed themselves unflinchingly pro-life suddenly got weak in the knees, taking the "I told you so" approach to the issue. The very same people who once criticized Republicans for not being pro-life enough have now decided to attack Gov. Ron DeSantis' triumph for cheap political gain. With friends like those, who needs enemies? 

Frankly, I'm sick of it. I'm tired of influential "conservatives" twisting in the wind, bending the knee on issue after issue believing that if they just flip-flop one more time, they'll be ushered into power. That's not how politics works, and it's also incredibly immoral. Being pro-life means being pro-life. It doesn't mean claiming DeSantis isn't pro-life enough because he signed a six-week ban instead of an outright ban (yes, that's a thing that happened)  and then, a year later, wetting yourself and claiming that it should have only been a 15-week ban.

How about this? How about Republicans who claim to be pro-life actually try to win on the issue for onceA strange thought, I know, but instead of preemptively surrendering and trying to dunk on those with actual courage for clout, how about working to persuade enough people so that the referendum is defeated? 

Florida is the perfect place to make such a stand. The referendum would need 60 percent to pass, which is already a high bar for pro-abortion advocates. Further, Republicans hold a large voter registration advantage in the state as a result of DeSantis' tenure. Take advantage of that and mobilize conservatives to go out and protect the unborn, which will mean spending real money to defend the pro-life position. 

To this point, Republicans have been thoroughly outspent in other states that had abortion referendums. Playing to win is a requirement in this game, and the GOP has not been doing that. 

No more excuses. The time for making yet another concession on the issue of life to the far left while disingenuously promoting federal alternatives that have zero chance of passing (and that would essentially undo the Dobbs victory) is over. Democrats didn't just sit on their hands when it came to their pro-abortion messaging. They relentlessly pushed it, and more importantly, they spent the necessary capital to make it effective. Republicans must do the same for the pro-life position. 

To those now decrying this opportunity to reaffirm the pro-life position and save countless unborn babies, stop crying. Stop whining. Stop pretending you are some kind of political savant when all you did was change your position for perceived political expediency. Instead, try fighting and winning for once.


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