Welcome to San Francisco, where the city's leaders promote homeless encampments, fluff communists, do nothing about rising violent crime, and coddle terrorist regimes that have committed mass murder. As you can tell, what was once one of America's most beautiful locations really has its priorities in order.
Do you want an illustration of just how messed up San Francisco is? Its city council just voted for a "ceasefire" between Israel and Hamas by an 8-3 margin. Now, I know what you're thinking. What right or authority does an American city council have to tell a foreign nation it must stop fighting a terrorist government that massacred its men, women, and children in cold blood? That's almost beside the point, though.
RELATED: Israeli Drone Strike Takes Out Multiple Hamas Leaders Who Were Meeting in Lebanon
β Gen-Z for Change (@genzforchange) January 10, 2024
Itβs time for other cities to follow. β
There's a lot to take from the above video, but believe it or not, the city council supporting literal terrorists is not the worst part of it. That may sound crazy, but stick with me here because I'm going somewhere.
When you watch the above video for the first time, what's your reaction? It's likely laughter, right? I know I was cracking up seeing the stereotypes play out before my eyes. The broad proliferation of pink hair, chopped cuts, and coke-bottle glasses might as well fit every single caricature conservatives have of the radical left. The video is legitimately funny in that way.
It's something else, though: Terrifying.
While conservatives spend their time laughing at these people for being so ridiculous, they are dictating policy in America's largest cities and at the federal level. Count the number of AWFLs (affluent, white, female liberal) in the video, and try not to have a shudder go up your spine. They make up most of the room, and while they may look insane (and they are), they also know how to wield power. They aren't stopping their onslaught, and rest assured, the destruction they are bringing to the nation includes taking the rest of us down with them.
I often joke about AWFLs because they are so comical, but their political influence is a serious matter. These are the most dangerous people in the United States when it comes to a specific political demographic. No one is more committed to destroying the basic tenets of society and American tradition than them. Republicans better figure out a counter to AWFLs aside from choice memes, as great as they can be, because they've got big plans, and none of them are good.
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