Deadspin Tried to Destroy a Kid for Wearing 'Blackface,' Then the Real Story Came Out

AP Photo/Colin E. Braley

If you are one of the last people on earth who still requires proof that the press is full of objectively evil people, I come bearing gifts. 

The story starts with a young Kansas City Chiefs fan. I don't know what his name is, and I wouldn't share it if I did because it's irrelevant. What's relevant is that the sports and political commentary site Deadspin decided they needed to destroy him. 


What was the grave injustice that was perpetrated? According to Carron J. Phillips, who wrote the piece, the kid was seen wearing "blackface." I'd highly encourage you not to click the following link lest you reward the writer's tactics, but I'll provide it nonetheless. 

Being an NFL fan, I remember a time when Deadspin actually provided witty snark on sports topics that was worth reading. Sometime in the last decade, though, a major shift occurred with its editorial position and standards. The once readable site descended into a sports-themed Mother Jones. 

You can guess how that went. Several years after the change, the outlet faced backbreaking financial issues, most of its staff quit, and it was eventually sold off. Sometime in the last few years, Deadspin was resurrected, and absolutely no lessons were learned. That's how you get a story about an innocent kid "wearing blackface" without even the slightest bit of journalist integrity being shown. 

So what's the real story? Was this a malicious act of racism meant to demean and offend black people? In short, no. The real story is that the kid had his face painted black and red in support of his team. 


Yes, a somewhat notable media outlet tried to take down a literal child because he painted his face in two different colors to cheer on his favorite NFL team. That's where we are as a society. Naturally, because again, the press is filled with objectively evil people, the writer of the piece doubled down. 

That guy being named "Carron" is just too perfect. Imagine being so miserable and desperate for clicks that you'd publicly doxx a child in order to accuse them of racism when you already knew they just had their face painted to represent their team. That's a special level of derangement. 


Here's a tip for Phillips: Stop pretending you are the moral arbiter of what people can put on their faces and their heads. Intent matters, and always has mattered. That some parts of the left have decided a person is automatically racist if they wear a certain hat or paint their face in a certain color is moronic. It's the moral system of an immature child. 


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