Oregon School's Response to Transgender Student's Violent Attack Belabors Belief

Riley Gaines/X

As RedState reported, a viral video from Hazelbrook Middle School in Oregon showed a "transgender" student violently assaulting a female student in a hallway. The aggressor, a male student who "identifies" as a girl, is seen grabbing the female student's hair and punching her in the face. 


A disturbing video from Hazlebrook Middle School in Oregon went viral on Thursday that showed a male student who identifies as female violently assaulting a girl in a school hallway. 

The footage shows the male student dressed as a girl taking the girl by surprise, grabbing her by her backpack, and throwing her backward before grabbing her and forcibly jerking her around by the head. The boy then repeatedly punches her before shouting expletives at her. 

The boy walks away leaving the girl sobbing as she gets to her feet, panicking so badly that she says she can't breathe. 

Another video was subsequently released showing the same trans-identifying student assaulting two more female students. At the time of the original reporting, the school district had made no statement, and there was no evidence that any prior action had been taken. Now, they've released a statement that simply belabors belief. 


The entire thing is rife with weasel words and clear attempts to not cause offense to those who should have no expectation of such in this situation. Specifically, despite admitting that a violent act occurred and finally bringing law enforcement in, the school district spent most of its statement seemingly defending the violent student.

It is important for the community to understand that all the individuals involved are minors including the victim, the originator of the assault, and the students recording and sharing this violent act. As minors, there are laws in place that protect their privacy. As this is a criminal investigation involving minors, no details will be provided to the public.

Students and adults contributed to the sharing of this recording that exposed minors who were directly and indirectly involved without consent. In addition, the sharing of this incident has spread across the country and beyond, inspiring false information and a focus and discourse on sexual identity. These acts have contributed to the trauma individuals and families are already experiencing.

The TTSD Board of Directors stands firm in our practice of holding those who commit acts of violence accountable as guided by Board policy. We are also united in upholding an educational environment that fosters inclusivity, diversity, and respect. We will not be distracted from our responsibilities of governing this vibrant school system by any form of harassment or bias. 


What "false information" is the board citing? Further, why wouldn't the conversation turn to "identity" given a male student violently assaulted a female student? You can almost smell the district board's fear when they give that boilerplate nod to "inclusivity, diversity, and respect" at the end. What does any of that have to do with what happened? 

I don't think the parents of the girl violently assaulted care about hearing how "inclusive" the school district is. Even mentioning that denotes a lack of actual care about what happened. Given this is Oregon we are talking about, though, none of this is surprising.


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