Elliot Page Claims Vicious 'Transphobic' Attack, but There Are Questions

Actor Elliot Page, who changed her name from Ellen Page after claiming to transition into a man, is making headlines after allegations of a “transphobic” attack were reported by The Los Angeles Times.


The account is contained in Page’s new book, which was the basis of the glowing profile done by the Times. According to the write-up, a man approached the actor and shouted, “I’m going to f—ing gay bash you, f—t,” before chasing her into a nearby convenience store.

And yet here, downstairs at his Sunset Strip hotel, he is less than a mile from the spot where a man on the street threatened to assault him just last year. As he describes in his book, Page, who lives in New York, was standing at the corner of Sunset and La Cienega, taking a quick walk to the Pink Dot convenience store, when a stranger approached.

“I’m going to f—ing gay bash you, f—t,” the man threatened. Terrified, Page began running toward the Pink Dot, where employees ushered him inside. From the other side of the door, the man yelled: “This is why I need a gun!”

“Now when I’m in Los Angeles, I don’t feel comfortable like I used to going for walks,” Page says.

There’s a lot going on in that allegation, and it’s one Page has made before. Back in 2022, when this was claimed to have happened, LGBTQ Nation reported on it with quotes of what was supposedly said.

“This really big dude, less than an arm’s length away, was just screaming at me, ‘You fa***t! Don’t look at me! You fa***t, fa***t!’” Page wrote in an essay for Esquire. “I couldn’t even just go, like, I’m not looking at you.”

“It was the one time I’d left the hotel that whole day. I was just trying to cross the street, and I couldn’t because it was Sunset Boulevard and there was traffic, so I decided in my brain — because he was so tall — that I couldn’t do anything physically. If I said something, he could retaliate. If I turned around, that could trigger something else.”

“So I thought, ‘I’m just going to have to bet on standing completely still and staring straight ahead.’”

“And then eventually, after him yelling, ‘Fa***t! Fa***t! Fa***t!’ some more, he started to walk off and I started to cross the street. And then he just started screaming, behind me, ‘I’m gonna kill you, you fucking fa***t! I’m gonna kill you, you f**king fa***t! I’m gonna gay-bash you!’ So I ran—I was alone—I ran into a convenience store, and as I was opening the door he yelled, ‘This is why I need a gun!’”


Given the frequency of claims like this turning out to be false, you’d be forgiven for being skeptical. This was apparently a very public spectacle in one of the busiest parts of a very left-wing city. Yet, as far as I can tell by searching various news articles, no one else has ever come forward to corroborate the story.

What the man allegedly did was also a crime under California law. Why not file a police report, especially given how fearful Page says she was? Further, if the workers at the convenience store ushered her in and witnessed the man’s death threat about a gun, did none of them think to call the police either? I don’t know about you, but if a man was standing outside a store threatening to kill me, I would ensure the police knew about it with a thorough description of the individual before I left the premises.

The fact that Page was a supporter of Jussie Smollett, up to and including blaming Mike Pence for the infamous hoax, doesn’t help her credibility.

Anytime I see a claim that matches up with a preferred narrative too perfectly, I think it’s fair to ask questions. This one even manages to tie in an anti-gun reference. That doesn’t mean Page wasn’t attacked. I wasn’t there, and given the current condition of Los Angeles, it wouldn’t shock me if a crazy person verbally accosted her. But there have been far too many hoaxes perpetrated over the years to just accept something at face value. In the end, you’ll have to decide what you believe.



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