The scandal surrounding Hunter Biden’s emails has only grown in proportion over the last three days, yet you wouldn’t know that from the near blackout media coverage they are receiving. Apparently, pay to play schemes and influence peddling are only a bad thing when the accusations are being leveled at the Trump family.
Of course, the latter never actually did any of that while we have direct, documentary evidence that the Bidens are as corrupt as they come. The latest revelation on that front even showed that Joe Biden was possibly getting a percentage of Hunter Biden’s ill-gotten proceeds from places like Ukraine and China. Meanwhile, the then vice president was glad handing with associates from Burisma. Later he would claim to have no knowledge at all about any of his son’s dealings.
In short, the entire thing stinks to high heaven. That means the response has to been to try to proclaim the story is “Russian misinformation.” But there’s a very big tell coming from the Biden campaign that shows the emails are absolutely real, and they know it.
It’s now been four days since The Post dropped the first Hunter Files story, and neither Joe nor Hunter has disputed a single material fact.
The easiest thing they could do is to say, “That laptop isn’t ours, Hunter didn’t send/receive those e-mails.”
Yet they haven’t done that
— Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) October 18, 2020
Rather than say the emails are fake, the Biden campaign has put out several carefully worded statements which make sure to not deny things that will likely be shown to be true in the near future. Meanwhile, surrogates of the campaign are also playing a delicate game where they claim that social media’s preemptive censorship is proof of the story’s lack of veracity. Yet, again, they are very careful to not actually deny the story is correct.
Why? Because they know the emails are absolutely real. In fact, Hunter Biden’s lawyer attempted to get the laptop back at one point, something you’d only do if the actual ownership was assured. This is a point the media have steadfastly ignored, instead seeking to muddy the waters with wild proclamations from figures like Adam Schiff. That’s the facade, but it’s completely transparent at this point.
On the other hand, we see some ostensibly on the right making posts like this.
Wait you believe the computer repair shop story? Like at face value?
— Jonah Goldberg (@JonahDispatch) October 17, 2020
There is a dramatic difference between
1) verifying, then reporting;
2) dumping, then demanding others disprove
The first practice is journalism. The second practice is partisanship — or perhaps profiteering.
— David French (@DavidAFrench) October 17, 2020
Note that both these people absolutely lapped up the false “losers” story from The Atlantic which purported that Trump had slandered dead soldiers and purposely missed a ceremony in France. Even John Bolton, who wrote an entire anti-Trump screed of a book, said the story was bogus.
But notice how suddenly, as if we haven’t suffered through four years of garbage, badly sourced pieces targeting Trump, French and Goldberg raise their standards to levels where even the Post’s releasing of the actual emails is not enough verification for them (that’s more than the Times did with Trump’s tax returns, another story The Dispatch crew loved). Weird, right? Or it’s not weird at all if you assume the obvious, which is that they hold two completely two standards for journalism that targets Trump vs. Biden. Again, it’s completely transparent.
The emails are real. They aren’t a Putin operation. They are the work of an idiot, drug addicted son who is corrupt to his core and whose father was well aware of, and possibly participating in what was going on. Those are the inconvenient facts for the media, whether we are talking about CNN or The Dispatch.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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