Friends don’t let their friends drive while suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome. Unfortunately for the woman in this video, she must not have any friends willing to speak sanity into her life. Upon seeing a Trump rally on the side of a road, she decided it’d be a great idea to let her foot off the brake, hang out the window, and frantically throw up the bird at people.
That didn’t go well. Be sure and watch to the end because it gets even better.
Woman had a TDS meltdown over a MAGA street corner rally then proceeded to hit the vehicle in front of her while police were behind her 🤣pic.twitter.com/rEVEGeKNaj
— John D ● (@RedWingGrips) September 22, 2020
You don’t actually see the full collision in the video because the camera is zoomed in too much, but looking at where the SUV is at the start of the video and where it ends up, it does appear she hit it. You can also see the crowd’s reaction along with other cars pointing the spot.
But the best part is when the police end up being immediately behind her, lighting her up the moment it happens. I guess going full metal crazy in traffic over politics wasn’t a great decision here? I’d absolutely love to know what the cops said to her as they walked up to her window. How do you explain “oh, sorry officer, I was just not watching the road because I was flipping off bystanders because orange man bad?”
I’ll leave it there and keep things short, as there’s not much to analyze here. The moral of the story? Don’t be a nutjob.
(Please follow me on Twitter! @bonchieredstate)
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