Climate Activists Spent Four Weeks Sailing to Chile, Then Something Hilarious Happened

Environmental activist Greta Thunberg, of Sweden, addresses the Climate Action Summit in the United Nations General Assembly, at U.N. headquarters, Monday, Sept. 23, 2019. (AP Photo/Jason DeCrow)


If you are burned out on impeachment for the day, here’s a little something different for you.

Anyone that has been paying attention to international news in the past few days is probably aware of the unrest going on in the country of Chile. Nearly two dozen people have died during riots against the government. Cabinet members have resigned and the President is under serious pressure.

Santiago was set to host the UN Climate Conference and an intrepid group of climate activists, otherwise known as people without jobs, decided that instead of simply flying, they’d waste nearly two months sailing to their destination. Their journey began on October 2nd, starting in Amsterdam.

Then something hilarious happened. The conference got cancelled while they were a little over halfway there.

A group of climate activists crossing the Atlantic by sailboat to a UN summit in Chile were shocked to learn the event was canceled — four weeks into their grueling voyage.

The 36 young environmentalists set off from Amsterdam on October 2, using a sailboat in order to highlight the impact of flying on greenhouse gas emissions.

They had completed more than half of their seven-week journey to the UN Climate Conference (COP25) in Santiago, Chile, which was scheduled to take place in early December.

However Chile’s President Sebastián Piñera announced Wednesday that the country would no longer host the summit, amid protests that have left at least 20 people dead and led to the resignation of eight cabinet ministers.


The stupidity of climate activism never ceases to amaze me. I’ve written about their affinity for gluing themselves to stuff in the past, as well as Londoners growing tired of their antics and fighting back. In this case, why would you sail for seven weeks, at which point you’d have to take a car or bus for another thousand miles or so anway, probably using more emissions per capita than just flying? And it’s not like a seven month sailing trip is carbon neutral. All the food they consumed to propagate such a trip took emissions to grow. The boat took emissions to build and if these idiots had ended up in trouble, it’d have taken emissions to save them.

Modern technology exists for a reason. Maybe try telecommuting next time? That seems like the most “climate friendly” solution.


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