BREAKING: Reports Say ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi Has Been Captured or Killed

Photo by Thierry Ehrmann on Flickr

Not many details, but an operation in Syria has reportedly captured or killed Al-Baghdadi, who is the top leader in ISIS and has been on the run for years.

Rumors started swirling after Donald Trump dropped a cryptic tweet about an hour ago.


Some verified accounts on Twitter started to spread the news of an operation.

Now, we are getting some accounts claiming it is confirmed. Gilliam has sources within the SEALs so his information is probably solid.


A major announcement is coming at 9am in the morning from the White House. You’d think it has to be Al-Baghdadi to warrant this kind of pomp and circumstance.

We’ll get final confirmation in the morning. It does appear likely though that the worst terrorist on the planet may have just been captured or killed.


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