There have been two mass shootings in the past 24 hours, one in El Paso, TX and the other in Dayton, OH. We are still waiting on a lot of details to be made clear. There’s currently a manifesto floating around that hasn’t been confirmed to belong to the first shooter, but regardless, it’s fairly certain what his ideology was.
As always happens after shootings like these, politicians rush to play politics. For many, that takes the form of renewed calls for gun control. What those measures are or how they’d prevent said shootings is almost never made clear. There won’t be any rational conversations taking place over the next few days on possible solutions. Just a lot of painting one’s political opponents as evil.
Beto O’Rourke decided to enter that fray yesterday.
I understand the limits of free speech and certainly grasp the dangers of criminalizing stupidity. But I cannot think of anything more irresponsible and reckless than the words of this manchild who simply has no idea of what he’s saying and its impact. This is reprehensible. https://t.co/1wOQ2hY5mi
— 🇺🇸Lionel🇺🇸 (@LionelMedia) August 4, 2019
Currently sitting near the bottom of the Democratic field, I suppose Beto felt the need to make headlines. Blaming the President for a mass shooting will do the trick.
I’m in no mood to talk politics this morning, but I’ll just say this. We still don’t even know the full scale of this maniac shooter’s ideology and people are already rushing to blame Trump and all Republicans because that’s what they always do.
This is a one way street of course. When a Bernie supporter shoots up a baseball field, we are quickly assured that accusing Trump of killing people via Obamacare repeal had nothing to do with it. When an Islamic jihadist kills 49 people at a nightclub, he’s described as a “lone wolf” and we are told it’s insensitive and insulting to expect condemnations from Muslims. When an Antifa member tries to firebomb an ICE facility, the media doesn’t even report on it, much less point out he was using the exact “concentration camp” rhetoric Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez was spreading.
Yet, when a white supremacist perpetuates an act of evil we can never just blame the shooter and the radical ideology being propagated on garbage sites like 8chan. Instead, everything suddenly broadens into every Republican being responsible, including the President. No Republican, including Trump, has ever called for people to shoot up Wal-Marts or bars. Period. The person to blame here is the shooter and a gross ideology.
Beto O’Rourke is not a serious person. To come out and try to make this about himself by ranting for the cameras that the President is a racist who is responsible for this shooting is simply disgusting. It’s standing on the bodies of the dead to try to try to help yourself politically and deserves condemnation.
Everyone needs to take a step back right now.
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