Woman Realizes She's Gay After Watching a Hillary Skit on SNL

Shortly after Donald Trump shocked the world in 2016, NBC’s Saturday Night Live went into collective mourning. They ditched the comedy and decided to instead have Kate MacKinnon, who plays Hillary Clinton in sketches, sing a rendition of “Hallelujah” to all the heartbroken souls out there.


It was sad and pathetic, which means that the media and liberals thought it was groundbreaking and powerful.

Apparently, it touched people in more ways than one.

Here are some excerpts.

My life would change forever after a simple Google search in November 2016. I had just seen Kate McKinnon perform the song “Hallelujah” on SNL and discovered that she’s a lesbian. That shocked me because she didn’t fit the awful stereotype often depicted in the media.

I quickly declared her my “new girl crush.” But it was more than that.

At that moment, I realized that I wanted a relationship with a woman like her — but I felt terrible for even having this thought, as someone who was faithfully married.

It was slowly becoming clear to me that I was not straight.

She’d go on to leave her husband and two children.

My life would change forever after a simple Google search in November 2016. I had just seen Kate McKinnon perform the song “Hallelujah” on SNL and discovered that she’s a lesbian. That shocked me because she didn’t fit the awful stereotype often depicted in the media.

I quickly declared her my “new girl crush.” But it was more than that.

At that moment, I realized that I wanted a relationship with a woman like her — but I felt terrible for even having this thought, as someone who was faithfully married.

It was slowly becoming clear to me that I was not straight.


It’s actually a pretty sad story.

The question becomes what she thought she was before all this? Take this line for example.

By the time you reach your 30s, you think you know yourself — your likes, your dislikes, what inspires you, what makes you tick.

But there I was, at 36 years old, realizing I didn’t know myself at all.

I had everything I thought made my life perfect. I was married to my best friend and we had two beautiful, healthy and hilarious children, with successful careers and a beautiful home.

If you read the article, there’s no indication that she ever had feelings for women before she saw Kate MacKinnon on SNL. That’s in contrast to the typical story of being born gay, struggling with the feelings through adolescence, and then coming out as a late teenager or adult.

This reads more like a mid-life crisis, coupled with a knee jerk reaction to abandon a spouse and kids because she felt something for a woman on TV. It wouldn’t surprise me if she changes her mind again down the road.

Regardless, I can’t get in her head. The bigger question is whether this is worthy of celebration. I think the “profiles in courage” aspect of this as presented by CNN is just a bit much. Even if this woman’s transformation is genuine, it doesn’t stop with her.


If a man watches a bikini competition and realizes the only like large chested women with blonde hair, can he leave his wife and kids to the cheers of CNN? I mean that seriously. On a logical level, there’s no real difference there besides the fact that one struggle is considered acceptable. Feelings are feelings, right? And who gets to lay down an arbitrary marker that homosexual feelings are more valid than a heterosexual deciding he’s no longer attracted to a spouse?

I constantly had to remind myself, “You get one life. This is your life and no one else’s.”

Maybe, but our life does affect other people and there is such a thing as self-sacrifice for those you love. Am I suggesting she should have stayed with her children in the face of her new feelings? It depends, but that should have been an option. The husband was apparently supportive and loving, i.e. not abusive in any way. Commitments like having children in life are serious and have to be weighed heavily in their favor.

She made the decision though and now everyone will live out the consequences. That’s part of being in a free country.

It’s still a little weird that a sketch of Hillary Clinton singing “Hallelujah” is what flipped the switch here. If you can’t laugh at that, you’ve got no sense of humor.




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