
Do Top Dem Strategists WANT Kamala to Lose? They're Sure Sounding Like It

Democrat strategists David Axelrod and James Carville. (Credit: AP Photos/Brian Kersey/Colin Young-Wolff)

There’s one basic rule in contact sports: don’t walk up to the line or step onto the mat with fear in your eyes. If your opponent is huge and intimidating, then fake it till you make it—but don’t let them know they may have gotten you a little spooked. Stare right at them.

Why? Because showing fear is one way to make sure you get your butt kicked.

Donald Trump showed no fear even after he was shot, but folks in KamalaWorld scream in terror after just looking at a bad poll or two. Two of the worst offenders, former Obama strategist David Axelrod—who I shall hereinafter refer to as Eeyore—and former Bill Clinton advisor James “Ragin’ Cajun” Carville, have both been making the rounds on cable TV and internet podcasts and sound as if they think we shouldn’t even bother to have an election; we should just give the keys to the Oval to Trump because Kamala has no chance at winning.

Now even if that’s true, you don’t say it. I sure wouldn’t want one of those two Debbie Downers coaching my football team.

Not the folks you want in your corner:

Axelrod: Dem Excitement Over Kamala Based on 'Irrational Exuberance,' 'Trump's Race to Lose Right Now'

Harris Supporters Panicking Over Lack of a Coherent Message Before Election Day: 'Scared to Death'

Carville Goes Full on 'Ragin Cajun,' Angry That Young Voters Don't Automatically Vote Democrat

Eeyore has been on the depression march dating back to when Joe Biden was still in the race, and he hasn’t let up on his doomsday prophecies. Here’s an appearance dating back to August, but there have been plenty more:

Quit falling for the media psyop and get back in this fight.

He’s not the only one sounding like he’s on the decks of the Titanic:

"Now that the sugar high is gone, people have realized what Kamala Harris has said from the start, which is that she is the underdog," Anthony Coley, a former Biden and Obama staffer turned political consultant, told The Hill. 

"If you’re not nervous, you’re not paying attention," former Harris communications director Jamal Simmons added.

Meanwhile, Crazy Carville seems to have a weekly tantrum, decrying Harris’ campaign and just generally gesticulating wildly about anything that annoys him on a given day.

Carville also advocates for Kamala doing press conferences. Love that idea.

“I’m scared to death.” Dude, you do not say that in the midst of a battle for the future of the nation. You say, “We have the better ticket, and we’re confident we’re going to win.” But not Carville:

"They need to be sharp. They need to be aggressive. They need to stop answering questions and start asking questions," Carville insisted Wednesday. "I think she and the whole campaign need to be much more aggressive and much less passive than they are."

Yeah, well I think you’re undermining the campaign at every turn. You make just enough sense that we realize you’re correct—Kamala’s campaign is a trainwreck—but you’re too off the reservation to be taken seriously. Once, Crazy Carville was a thinker, but now he seems drunk on his own weirdness. (This was a relatively calm appearance by the Louisianian; that's not always been the case these days.)

It’s not just Carville and Eeyore, though. As we noted, there seem to be plenty of other insiders who are willing to say anonymously that things aren’t going well.

Do I feel bad for Ms. Harris? Not even a little. She’s a terrible candidate, a socialist-minded extremist, and a toxic leader, and the sooner she leaves the stage, the better. What I am curious about, however, is why are these two prominent strategists—both architects of successful presidential elections—going out there virtually every day to proclaim that the Harris campaign sucks? Do they think that helps her?

Perhaps they have no interest in helping the VP and actually want her to lose. Maybe they see that she would be such an utter catastrophe as commander-in-chief that it could mean that voters finally and truly wake up to the disastrous Democrat policies that have hurt our country so badly that they will make them pay for it for years and years at the ballot box. Maybe they’re thinking they don’t have the goods this time around, and it’s time to start paying attention to 2028 and grooming Gavin Newsom or Gretchen Whitmer or whichever Constitution-hating candidate they can foist on us.

I don’t have the definitive answer on the motive, but if I were Kamala Harris, I would be highly conscious of the crime—that they’re seemingly doing everything in their power to ensure she doesn’t get elected. Are they seeing some internals that the rest of us aren't and just trying to cover their own... butts?

Must not look good: Just What Is 'Internal Polling,' Anyway, and Why Should We Care?

Maybe it's like the character from the "Sixth Sense": "I see dead people." Are they seeing a dead campaign?

Next time you see Donald Trump or one of his advisors say they’re “scared,” give me a call.

I don’t think I’ll be hearing from you.


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