
The Forgotten Man

AP Photo/John Bazemore, File

We’ve seen it all this election cycle—a president pushed aside, an incompetent replacement shoved into the limelight to the delight of the Misinformation Media, a former Democrat stalwart (RFK Jr.) turning on his party and endorsing GOP nominee Donald Trump.

But one man has been lost in the shuffle, a “leader” who, despite his record of endemic failure, had been until very recently been touted as “The One.” We speak, of course, of the oily governor of California, Gavin Newsom, who had seemingly been positioning himself for a possible presidential run as Biden’s compromised state became more and more apparent, even to the sycophants at MSNBC and corrupt Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Hakeem Jeffries.

But somehow, he got left in the dust—was he outsmarted by Kamala Harris? That’s gotta be a tough pill to swallow, seeing as “smart” and Kamala Harris don’t often go together in the same sentence.

The question is: what’s his game? Is he hoping Harris will lose so he can run in 2028? Is he hoping she’ll win, so he can get a Cabinet position or an ambassadorship to Botswana? Whatever it is, his formerly bright stature has unequivocally taken a hit.

And I’m here for it:

Gov. Photo Op: Gavin Newsom Hires $200K a Year Photographer, Bet You Can Guess Who Pays the Bill

Gavin Newsom Shows up at Homeless Camp for Creepy Inauthentic Photo-Op, Pretends to Care About the Issue

The Fact That Gavin Newsom Is Even in the Conversation Reveals Shallowness of the Media and Dem Voters (VIP)

I—and my RedState colleagues—have ragged on Newsom at length because he’s managed to perfect the technique of seeming reasonable while in reality he’s a hard-core leftist radical. Judging by his actions—and not his scripted TV performances—he’s shown himself to be on a personal mission to destroy the Golden State, overseeing hundreds of businesses fleeing for better opportunities and flashing his pearly whites at the first net exodus from the state in over 150 years.

I don’t believe he’s just another bland politician whose ideas I don’t like—I believe he is dangerous. His Central Casting looks and his finesse with progressive language—if he says “we’re mindful" one more time, I may have a coronary—titillate the Chardonnay mom class and invigorate the MSNBC/CNN circuit.

I’m a little surprised that Kamala Harris apparently outmaneuvered him this time—maybe by design?—but I have no doubt that he and his protector Nancy Pelosi have a future planned. Judging by what he’s done for California, we can never let this happen.

Watch as he basically admits that the Democratic coronation of Harris was a sham—even he can’t keep a straight face when discussing it. He doesn't even make an attempt to hide their sleaze:

“That’s what I’ve been told to say.” That pretty much sums up the Democratic party, right there. They’re told what to say, and their marching orders come from the hierarchy, be it Obama, Pelosi, or Schumer.

It would appear that Gavin Newsom has lost this round. However, I don’t think that’s the last we’ll hear of him. His creepy oleaginous ways have caught the eye of the elite in the Democrat party, and he’s made clear he wants to inflict his ruinous Golden State policies on the rest of America. He and Kamala are of the same cloth, and God forbid either one of them finds their way to power.

Don’t count out Governor Hair Gel just yet.


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