Gavin Newsom's Infuriating Fundraising Email

AP Photo/Alex Gallardo, Pool

I don’t know how I got on his email list because I certainly am no fan of Gov. Gavin “Hairgel” Newsom and what he’s done to the Golden State. But somehow I get emails from his team, and although usually I just quickly delete them, once in a while I’ll click just to see what dumb thing he has to say today. 


On Monday, an unwelcome missive "signed" by Newsom but sent by the "PAID FOR BY CAMPAIGN FOR DEMOCRACY PAC" appeared in my inbox, and I thought, there’s a heck of a lot going on these days, what bad take will he add to it? Sure enough, it was yet another request for more money, but it was the rest of it that was infuriating to someone like me who loves the state.

It seems de rigeur at this point for every Democrat politician to claim that Biden is the greatest president in the universe despite the obvious reality on the ground, and Newsom was no exception:

Friends -

By now you've no doubt seen the news that President Biden has decided to suspend his re-election campaign and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris. 

Joe Biden has been an extraordinary, history-making president. He will go down in history as one of the most impactful and selfless presidents.

He will certainly go down in history as one of the most “impactful” presidents because he’s had a profoundly negative impact on inflation, the border, our status abroad and so much more. Selfless? Hardly. He wouldn’t do what’s best for the country—end his failing presidential campaign—until he was shoved out by Obama and Pelosi. And he still hasn’t had the decency to resign despite his obvious inability to do the job.

He then waxes poetic about Kamala Harris and slams Donald Trump before finally getting to the point:

I intend to spend the next several months working to defeat Donald Trump and elect Democrats everywhere. I have already visited a number of states campaigning for Joe Biden and many other Democrats and state parties. That work won't stop. 

But a President Harris also needs a Democratic Senate. So with that in mind, I am asking: [give us your money].


Do you notice what word appears nowhere in his email? California

Warning, profanity:

Related: The Fact That Gavin Newsom Is Even in the Conversation Reveals Shallowness of the Media and Dem Voters (VIP)

Why California Matters—to YOU (VIP)

Debate Takeaway: CA Gov. Newsom Is a Slick Used Car Salesman, but You’ll Drive Away in a Lemon (VIP)

Newsom’s job title is Governor of California, but nowhere does he say what he’s doing to improve the lives of its residents. In fact, he states quite clearly that his attention—and his physical presence—will be elsewhere and that he no longer gives a whit what happens here (unless he pops in to sign divisive bills like the one he just passed that prohibits school districts from requiring schools to inform parents if their children change their gender identity). 

Under his leadership, the state has experienced out-of-control homelessness, crime epidemics in the cities, and an onerous tax and regulation regime that’s driving both residents and businesses to get the heck out of Dodge. Newsom, however, just looked his constituents straight in the eye and said, “I don’t actually give a flying leap.”

Gasbag Gavin wasn’t done, though.

The outcome of this election is not something we can just sit back and witness. We all have a role to play in shaping the outcome. I hope you can help in some small way with a donation today. 

Gavin Newsom


I will definitely be making a donation, thanks Gav. It’s going to the Trump campaign, though, because if there’s anything America doesn’t need, it’s leadership like yours, Joe’s or Kamala’s.

To put myself in a better mood, I will remind myself that there are a lot of things about California that are a whole lot better than its leadership. Drove down here Friday night:

(EDITOR'S NOTE: In light of recent events, including Biden's decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race, we're extending our fantastic sale on VIP membership. If you're not already a VIP member, when you join today you'll receive 60% off with discount code MAGA24.)


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