Another Blow to Joe: Appeals Court Blocks Biden Student Loan Plan

AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib

Despite repeated repudiations by courts, Joe Biden has continued to try to buy votes by unilaterally forgiving student loans, in effect taking the burden off the borrower and putting it in on the American taxpayer.


On Thursday, however, yet another court cried foul:

A federal appeals court blocked President Biden’s student loan repayment plan, which would have lowered payments for millions of people who borrowed money for education.

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Thursday, granting a motion for an administrative stay filed by Republican-led states. The order will prohibit the Biden administration from implementing parts of its Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) program that weren’t already blocked by lower courts, The Associated Press reported.

The court’s action comes on the same day that Biden moved to forgive yet more student loans.

The Biden administration announced on Thursday it would be forgiving another $1.2 billion in student loans, covering the debt for 35,000 people through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program. 

President Biden said the individuals who received debt relief from the action are teachers, nurses, law enforcement officers and first responders, with an average debt of $35,000.

The actions today brings the total number of people who have received relief from the Biden administration to 4.76 million.  


Don't worry, vote for us and we'll take care of it

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Arkansas Attorney General Tim Griffin applauded the decision:

The President is disregarding the separation of powers in the Constitution and the fundamentals so clearly articulated in Schoolhouse Rock.

As RedState’s Ward Clark wrote about Biden’s quixotic efforts to simply erase the debts of the people who willingly took them on:

The fact is, the Biden Administration has been showing favoritism to different classes of student loan debtors for some time. Last year, they quietly forgave student loans for federal employees (and no one else) and have extended the pause on student loan payments well past the initial reason for doing so, that being the COVID “crisis.”


Biden has consistently defied the courts—and the Constitution—as he attempts to nakedly purchase the votes of young people in our country. But the question he never answers is: why should the plumber in Ohio be paying off the debts taken on by the social justice warrior at Columbia University?

The courts have been sending Joe Biden a message, and as his campaign continues to implode, so does his radical agenda. And that's a good thing.


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