Trump Endorses Purple Heart Recipient Sam Brown in Crucial Nevada Senate Race

AP Photo/Andy Barron

Former President Donald Trump picked a side Sunday in Nevada’s Senate race—considered to be crucial to Republicans hopes of winning back the Senate in November—and endorsed former U.S. Army Captain Sam Brown to battle incumbent Democrat Sen. Jacky Rosen in November.


The endorsement is a setback for former U.S. Ambassador to Iceland Jeff Gunter, who also sought the former president’s support. 

The fight to get Trump's approval was fierce, but the former president had previously indicated he might ultimately choose Brown over Gunter.

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Trump took to Truth Social to praise Brown using his usual all-caps style:

His full post reads:

Sam Brown is a FEARLESS AMERICAN PATRIOT, a Purple Heart Recipient, who has proven he has the “PURE GRIT” and COURAGE to take on our Enemies, both Foreign and Domestic. Sam is now running for U.S. Senate in the Great State of Nevada, primarily because he knows that Crooked Joe Biden and the Radical Left are A THREAT TO DEMOCRACY. Our Country can no longer stand with this Corrupt and Incompetent “President” calling the shots. As your next Senator, Sam will fight tirelessly to secure our Border, end Migrant Crime, stop Inflation, grow our Economy, STRONGLY SUPPORT OUR GREAT MILITARY/VETS, protect our always under siege Second Amendment, and restore PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH…


Trump followed that up with a post explaining that he’d gotten to know Brown and was impressed by him:

Gunter, however, was dismayed by the snub:

"Mitch McConnell money wins, the American people lose. Rinse and repeat," Gunter told Fox in a statement after news of the endorsement broke.

Brown thanked the former president on social media.

Nevada promises to be a key player in November’s elections, which will decide whether voters want to continue under the continued failed leadership of the Democrats and President Joe Biden. It could go either way:

Little polling has been done on the race so far, but a New York Times poll taken in April and May showed Brown and Rosen in a dead heat at 41% each, with a number still undecided.

Republicans view Nevada as one of the party's top flip opportunities as it seeks to win back control of the Senate from Democrats, who currently hold a slim 51-49 majority. 

On his website, Brown describes his tour in Afghanistan, which ended with devastating injuries suffered from a roadside bomb:


Only four months into his deployment, Sam was on a mission when he received word that another nearby platoon had been ambushed. So he led his team into battle to provide support for his fellow soldiers.

Upon entering the engagement area a roadside bomb detonated under the fuel tank of his vehicle, leaving him drenched in diesel and covered in flames. By the grace of God, Sam’s gunner was able to extinguish the flames before they took his life.

Following the injuries he sustained, Sam was medically retired from the US Military as a Captain. In the three years following the explosion in Afghanistan, Sam underwent intense physical rehabilitation. During this process of recovery, Sam recognized that God had given him a new life. A life that was intended to be dedicated to the service of God and Country.

He just may become Nevada's next senator.


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