
Kamala Harris Loves the Titles, but Not the Work

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

We have all known at least one: those who love the spotlight, love being the center of attention, being recognized for their stellar record, and perfecting their "queen wave." But when you get right down to it, what have they accomplished to get there, to earn that spotlight? Well, it turns out it is a pretty thin record. Democrats are notorious for "failing up," and right now, America is dangerously close to electing one of those people. Kamala Harris has a long list of titles to her record: San Francisco District Attorney, Attorney General of California, U.S. Senator, and Vice President. Sounds great, but what did she do when she got those titles?

More of that information is emerging, and, as usual, the record is slim. Let's start in Oakland, where she was a Deputy District Attorney for a couple of years before being appointed to the Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board then California Medical Assistance Commission by her then-boyfriend Willie Brown, who was the California Assembly Speaker at the time. She was paid over $400,000 during the five-year span in which she was a member of those commissions but was frequently absent from the meetings or so late that some of the business had already been conducted.

READ MORE: Kamala Harris Claimed She 'Worked Her A**' Off for Willie Brown to Excel in Her Political Career

A few years after hooking up with Brown, Harris moved over to the City by the Bay. Jeff Clark is a former Department of Justice official in the Trump administration. On Wednesday, in an interview with Turning Point USA's Charlie Kirk, Clark stated that he could not find any record of Harris leading or being "first chair" of any prosecution, either state or local during her time as District Attorney or as Attorney General. While there is evidence that she appeared in court for some cases, Clark could find no records that she led any prosecutions or argued any cases in appellate courts. A man wrongfully convicted of murder during Harris's time as D.A., said he was only "dimly aware of her."

This apparently was just the beginning of Kamala Harris' professional title collecting and work shirking. The title of Attorney General appeared to have gone to her head as well. When she came to the office every morning, the staff was instructed to stand and say, "Good morning, General." There were also instructions given not to address her or make eye contact. Those were perks reserved for senior staff members. Outrageous requests of staff members make them afraid to question the boss, or any goings on in the office.

'Good Morning, General' - Intern From Kamala Harris' Attorney General Days Shares Eye-Opening Stories

When Kamala Harris got to Washington, D.C., as a senator, the unwillingness to put in the work became more profound. Besides berating her staff, they say that Harris virtually refused to do any sort of prep work for anything. When that lack of preparedness made her look bad, it was the staff's fault. 

As vice president, the entire country has been treated to Kamala Harris' love of titles but not the effort to achieve them. Americans are well aware of Joe Biden appointing Harris the "Border Czar." What exactly has she done? Well, along with Joe Biden, Kamala Harris has overseen roughly 10 million illegal immigrants coming across the southern border, many with criminal records and ties to terrorism. The closest she has gotten to the border was a trip to El Paso, Texas in 2021. She has also never spoken with Border Patrol Chief Jason Owens.   

Then there is the little-known fact that Kamala Harris is also the "Space Czar." By executive order, Joe Biden named Harris to head up a National Space Council. During the Trump administration, the Council made up of Cabinet members with an advisory committee of space industry experts, held eight meetings. Harris has held three, the minimum requirement. At the last meeting at the end of 2023, Harris spoke for eight minutes and left. And last but not least, Joe Biden also made Kamala Harris the "Broadband Czar" in 2021. Her job there, overseeing high-speed internet getting to rural areas. How's that going? About like you would expect. In three years, no one has been connected to the internet.

Kamala Harris's record shows someone who has skated by doing the minimum, or less than that, her entire professional career and gaining a title to show for it. But thankfully, America is finding out that Kamala Harris took the title but has never done the work.


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