
Think the Border Crisis Is Bad Now? Experts Say a Harris Presidency Would Make It Even Worse

Townhall Media/Julio Rosas

Illegal immigration and the economy will be the two biggest issues in this year's presidential election. In the three years since Joe Biden and Kamala Harris took office, millions of illegal immigrants have swarmed across the U.S. southern border with little effort made to stop it. In fact, the Biden/Harris administration has encouraged the law-breaking. With Joe Biden withdrawing from the presidential race, we can safely assume that Kamala Harris would carry on the same disastrous immigration policies. But given her record, along with comments she has made, many immigration experts think she would make it even worse.

Eric Ruark is a research director for a group called "Numbers USA." The group aims to limit illegal immigration to the U.S. Ruark did not mince words about Kamala Harris's record on illegal immigration, saying:

“Harris has yet to come out and say, ‘it’s a crime and we need to enforce the law. Clearly she was tasked with addressing the border crisis by President Biden, and her approach was basically to say, ‘don’t come.’ That was the extent of her policy approach.”

One thing that Numbers USA does is give "report cards" to House members and senators assessing their performance on immigration and border security-related issues. During her time in the Senate, Harris received an F- from the group, the lowest possible score. A variety of Harris' actions on illegal immigration went into her dismal score. Here are just a few Kamala oldies but goodies:

During a 2018 confirmation hearing for Ron Vitiello, a nominee at the time to lead Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), then-Senator Kamala Harris compared ICE to the Ku Klux Klan. She asked Vitiello if he was aware of a "perception" among Hispanics coming across the border that ICE agents operated like Klan members. Since she has never actually been to the border, it is unknown how she would know what illegal immigrants' perception is of ICE. She also suggested that ICE be abolished and rebuilt "from scratch."

In 2019, she co-sponsored the RAIDER Act. This bill would restrict funding for "the construction of barriers, land acquisition, or associated activities" at the southern border, essentially blocking the construction of the border wall, which started during the Trump administration. Harris also co-sponsored the FACE Act in 2019, making border wall construction more difficult. She voted for the Secure and Protect Act, which, according to Numbers USA, would have instituted reforms of the Flores Settlement, which regulates children in federal immigration custody. 

But perhaps Kamala Harris' most famous -- or infamous -- "accomplishment" regarding illegal immigration was being named "border czar" by President Joe Biden. The idea was for Harris to get at the "root causes" of illegal immigration from Central America. Needless to say, Harris never got around to discovering those elusive root causes of illegal immigration, and with the exception of 2021 and 2024 to date, illegal immigration has topped over two million illegal border crossings, not counting gotaways each year of the Biden/Harris administration. 

In addition to all this, the Biden/Harris administration dismantled nearly every Trump-era policy regarding immigration with roughly 89 executive orders. Besides halting construction of the wall, the "Remain in Mexico" program, which was keeping asylum fraud in check, was also halted, keeping asylum seekers in Mexico while their cases were pending, and an attempt at enforcing a 100-day moratorium on all deportations issued by the Department of Homeland Security.

Those like Numbers USA who are trying to curb illegal immigration know full well that a Kamala Harris presidency would just be Joe Biden 2.0, especially when it comes to immigration policy. Eric Ruark had a serious warning for Americans about Kamala Harris and immigration, saying:

“What we’ve seen from her career in the Senate and the public statements she’s made, it would only get worse. As bad as things are, they can get worse, and that’s something we should all realize.”


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