What Might a 'Real' Border Security Bill Look Like? One Person May Have the Answer

Townhall Media/Julio Rosas

As the American people get a look at the proposed Border Security Bill put forth by the Senate, their outrage can be seen all over social media. With $60 billion going to fund the seemingly never-ending war in Ukraine but only $20 billion going to address the virtually non-existent U.S. southern border, it includes things like continuing to let 5,000 illegals a day into the country, work permits issued to illegals, and unaccompanied minors not counting in the daily total, it is easy to see where Washington D.C.'s priorities lie, and it certainly isn't with America. 


William F. Buckley, often called the "Father of Conservatism," once said, "I'd rather entrust the government of the United States to the first 400 people listed in the Boston telephone directory than to the faculty of Harvard University." Well, this is the Senate, not the Harvard faculty, and we no longer have phone books, but in this case, average Americans would do a damn sight better than the swamp inhabitants. 

Joey Mannarino is a digital fundraiser, social media strategist, and host of "The Joey Mannarino Show" podcast. It was maybe a mix of outrage and common sense that led him to post what a "real" border security bill would look like if, instead of the Senate trying to please all of their voting bases, lobbyists, and donors. If Senate Republicans had some cajones, they'd try to do what the American people want them to do. The items in the real border security bill would fix the crisis at the border, but we all know that is not the point. It is short, sweet, and to the point, just five main items. 

1. Shut down the southern border until the end of Joe Biden's term. 

2. Expel every illegal on American territory, with a priority on repeat criminals.

3. A moratorium on immigration for a minimum of two years with the exception being reunification of family members.

4. Immediate imprisonment of any NGO leader who has facilitated human trafficking or assisted in false asylum claims. 


5. For every 1,000 citizens of a country who attempt to unlawfully enter the country, American aid to the country would decrease by one percent. If that number were to exceed 100,000 in one calendar year, American aid to that nation would be automatically suspended for five years.

Instead, the American people are being asked to accept things like the emergency can be ignored if the president decides it isn't "in our national interests," all families would be released from custody, only single individuals could be sent back, and perhaps the most egregious item in the bill, anyone who has entered the country after July 2021, would receive "conditional permanent resident" status. 

The fact that America's lawmakers are so far out of touch with the people who elected them could not be clearer. Money talks and such a bill would get the attention of any nation that may be encouraging the illegal migration of its citizens to the U.S. It would also curb, if not eradicate altogether, non-profit organizations that may have nothing more than humanitarian efforts in mind, but are being assisted financially by groups under the auspices of the United Nations.

What would Democrats have to say about it? A bill like this would be a double-edged sword for them. They would loudly oppose most of it, the whole idea of mass migration is to replace voting blocs they are losing support in such as minorities, with a new crop of Democrat voters. But they are hearing about the crime problem that many blue cities where illegal immigrants are being transported are facing. Democrat lawmakers would vigorously oppose mass deportation, but their constituents would most likely be on board with expelling repeat criminals. 


In the world where this kind of bill would be put forth, voted on, and passed, Republicans would control the Senate, something perhaps for the near future, but they would also be out from under the Uniparty thumb of Mitch McConnell and would have the spine to listen to what the American people want, then actually do it. In the meantime, it's fun to dream.


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