Democrats Fear Trump Reelection 'Revenge' Tour - It Should Be Billed As the 'Avenge Tour'

AP Photo/Nathan Howard

Whether they love or hate him, most Americans will no doubt agree that Donald Trump is one of the most polarizing figures in American presidential history. He is brash, often belligerent, and unafraid to send out mean tweets here and there that apparently upset people on both sides of the aisle. As we get closer to being right in the thick of the 2024 presidential election cycle, Democrats are visibly worried about the candidacy of Joe Biden and the very real possibility that Donald Trump will be the Republican nominee and go on to win the general election. If that happens, they say, it will be Trump's "revenge tour." Personally, I am perfectly okay with a "revenge" tour. But I would give it a different name. I am calling it the "Avenge Tour."


Before his political career, Donald Trump was a celebrity. People from Washington to Hollywood, it seemed, would clamor for a photo op. Open a magazine like People, and he was pictured with everyone from Oprah Winfrey to Bill Clinton. Donald Trump was a "safe" commodity. But as soon as he came down the Trump Tower escalator in 2015, he became toxic. Much of that had to do with the fact that he was running for President as a Republican. Had Donald Trump declared himself a Democrat, he would be a hero. The contingency plan to take down Trump began that day.

Fast forward to election night 2016. Donald Trump had the audacity to win the election, and the plan began to be executed. Democrats want to talk about "revenge"? Let's talk about revenge — because their version of it began on Election Night 2016 and hasn't let up since. There was the usual challenging the outcome of the election that Democrats have dredged up after every election won by Republicans at least since 2000 and the hanging chad fiasco. But since then, it has gone into a psychotic overdrive never seen before in American politics. 


It is a twisted trip down memory lane. First, Trump was colluding with the Russians. This included notables from the FBI like Director James Comey and those crazy love birds Lisa Page and Peter Strzok. Then there was a Democrat-led Congress, along with Republican never-Trumpers, who just could not abide the fact that Trump's presidency could very likely break up the Washington D.C. status quo and did their best to thwart him at every turn, including two impeachments. Then there were the 51 former intelligence officials who swore that Hunter Biden's laptop was nothing but Russian disinformation. Now, Trump faces almost a thousand years in jail on at least 90 criminal charges. 

Now, Democrats are afraid of revenge? They are very clearly afraid for themselves. And they should be very afraid of Americans who want to avenge the treatment of the man they support to be the next president of the United States. They know that election "irregularities" may be a bit harder to pull off without a pandemic thrown in the mix, but never underestimate the power of desperate people to do desperate things. Politics is a dirty business, and while Democrats wring their hands about Trump getting revenge, the people who support Trump want all of these people held accountable not just for what they have done to one man but to the country and its institutions. Sounds like a proper avenging to me.


Republicans talk about a two-tiered justice system a lot. But as Sean Connery asked Kevin Costner in "The Untouchables," what are you prepared to do? What are we prepared to do about that two-tiered justice system? Whether Donald Trump, Ron DeSantis, or any other Republican becomes President, are we prepared to make examples out of these folks? Because if you want to fix the two-tiered justice system, that is what we are going to have to do. Stop being nice. If we are not prepared to stop being nice, we might as well begin drafting Mitt Romney for a second run now. 

Democrats have spent the last the last eight years "getting revenge." What exactly have they been hell-bent on getting revenge for? Lost elections, revenge on the American people for voting against them, being caught at every turn in their dishonesty and malevolence, what? Sorry, Democrats and Never-Trumpers, no revenge tour here, but I will be more than happy to get my ticket for the "Avenge Tour."



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