Opinion: Most People Have No Trouble Finding a USPS Mailbox

Amy Sancetta
AP featured image
Ohio letter carrier Keith McVey hands the day’s mail to Raina Washington as he makes his daily deliveries in Akron, Ohio on Friday, July 16, 2010. The veteran mailman has gained a reputation for three-times delivering people from life-threatening situations while on the job delivering mail. Last week he gave CPR to a man along his Akron route who wasn’t breathing and whose lips were turning blue. (AP Photo/Amy Sancetta)


It seems hard to believe this is something we have to talk about, two-and-a-half months away from the 2020 presidential election. But apparently, the congressional Democrats and their media allies have seen fit to whip their audience into a lather over those blue, U.S. Postal Service (USPS) mailboxes and the conspiracy theory that the dirty, rotten, possibly downright evil President Donald Trump is trying to interfere with Americans getting their social security checks — and mail-in ballots come November 4.

I decided to check in with as many people as possible, through the magic of social media, on what their recent experience has been interacting with these now-sacred mailboxes, if you listened to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Eric Swalwell, or any of the other Democrats with a media microphone over the weekend.

I asked a simple question on Twitter Sunday night (and was clear that it was an informal sort of poll — completely unscientific, of course):

“Informal poll: when is the last time you placed mail in an official USPS mailbox (e.g. not in your own mailbox)?”

And to underline the fact that I was keeping it light, I included a related hashtag game that was trending:

“Subquestion/hashtag game: Name what *else* #USPScouldAlsoStandFor Unused Somnolent Pace Service”


I purposely made it an essay question, instead of making a poll with set answers to choose from. It seemed better to hear the voices and unique circumstances people are dealing with. And it turns out that was the right choice.

The replies fell into three distinct categories: the person rarely uses the U.S. Mail; the person has to use the Postal Service’s mailboxes for business or other special reasons; or the person often uses the drop boxes or goes right inside the post office, because there’s easy access to it — or the mailboxes where they live aren’t secure.

Here are a few examples to give you an idea of how these shake out. These folks either “go to the post office or find a blue mailbox”:



These people drop their mail in a mailbox… because they actually want it to go out:



And here are what appeared (to me) to be the largest group of respondents: they don’t use the mail or a USPS mailbox unless they have to:



I couldn’t decide if this reply was serious or not:

So, there you go. Whatever their experience with the mail, none of the Americans I spoke to are in a panic about being able to access the USPS mailboxes. Hopefully, our members of Congress can settle down about it soon.


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