In late May, when peaceful protests gave way to violent riots and domestic terrorists facing off with police across the country, one hero found himself in the right place at the right time in downtown Seattle. But as RedState’s Nick Arama wrote, it wasn’t just chance that he was able to do what he did: Marines always come through:
Suddenly, one of the rioters brandished an AR-15 taken from the police car and what happened next was very quick.
The man who responded quickly and professionally to immediately take the gun out of the kid’s hands before he accidentally or otherwise shot someone turned out to be a private security guard for the local media folks who were covering the riot.
Now, that security guard is talking to Q13 Fox, the tv station where he works to keep news crews safe on-location. In an interview aired Sunday, the man (who doesn’t want to be identified) spoke to anchor Brandi Kruse about why he swung into action when he saw rioters ransacking two, destroyed Seattle police SUVs:
“The first thing that ran through my mind was, ‘I’ve got to get the team to safety.’ That’s you guys. I put you guys around the corner. I immediately assumed that there were firearms in those vehicles. I was an infantryman; that’s what you need to do: make a decision, and absolutely run with it.”
Then a rioter, who the Marine vet saw take an AR-15 rifle from one of the vehicles, fired the weapon, then, as the Q13 News report explains, “started to walk away, rifle in hand.”
Suddenly, the Marine veteran says, he saw what he needed to do.
“He held the weapon down and away, because he was shocked and afraid. So I came up and I snatched the weapon from him. I told him, ‘Get out of here!'”
But the story doesn’t end there. Another rioter was opening a rifle bag with another AR-15 inside it, in the back of a second SUV. The guard took action:
“The thought was, ‘I need to take that. I need to get control of that. That’s a police firearm….'”
It’s common for real-life heroes to be humble and not want to be called a hero. But this guy has gone one step further: he doesn’t want anyone to know his name. Period. That’s true humility, and Americans expect nothing less from their military veterans.
You can watch video of the second disarming and Kruse’s full interview with the unnamed hero below, via Q13 Fox:
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