
Joe Biden Subverted Govt With DEI at a Cosmic Cost in Taxpayer Money

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The first time I remember hearing about DEI, it was the meme about trophies for every kid on the local youth soccer team, even after losing in the league championship game. I thought, "Wow, that's not the way I grew up or shepherded our kids through those perilous years." 

Sounded like something foreign out of California.

What, I wondered, are we trying to teach our nation's future adults and parents? It just seemed weird. To be sure, my parents always asked first if I had fun. 

I've written here of Things My Father Said. One of his go-to questions, usually after an athletic or school event, was what one lesson had I learned from that game to do better or avoid in the future? He called it "Minus to a Plus."

I think it was in grade school when he first told me, "Think of all the lessons you'll have learned over time that everyone else hasn't even thought of yet."

Not surprisingly, I carried that invaluable lesson forward with my own youngsters. After my seventh grader lost in a hard-fought youth football championship game, I asked what the lesson was. He already had it in mind: "Don't get up for the game at 4, when the kickoff isn't til 7."

Minus to a Plus.

My boys are grown up now, each with their own young ones. So, I did not fully appreciate until more recent years the perverse, anti-American goals of everyone-gets-a-trophy in what became the communistic cultural ideology, DEI.

I was delighted with President Trump's expressed goal of eradicating DEI from our malfunctioning government and educational systems. Biden, or the faceless folks telling him what to do, malevolently authorized a lot of this damaging stuff, like willfully admitting multiple millions of illegal aliens.

Until this week, when I read a new education report, I had little appreciation for the profound depths of subversion that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their unidentified handlers had installed within virtually every corner of our federal government. 

And all at an astounding financial cost to taxpayers that you, too, will find hard to believe.

That is the topic of this week's audio commentary. You can listen right here:

This week's Sunday column digs into the mystery of how United States intelligence was finally able to track down Osama bin Laden and deliver the American people's verdict and sentence on his 9/11 mass murder. 

And how he got away the first time.

You might think you know the story. But the success all rested on the gumption of a rural doctor in Pakistan. As his reward for locating and IDing the world's most wanted man, that doctor has spent every day for the last 14 years in a cramped solitary prison cell in Pakistan.

In an embarrassing lack of gratitude, the United States government has not freed and relocated the man and his family. That seems like a worthy job for a tougher President Donald J. Trump.

The most recent audio commentary took a deep dive inside the recent address to a Joint Session of Congress by President Trump. Not so much on the numerous topic points and achievements he's already launched. 

I wanted instead to highlight the rhetorical touches and topics he used that subtly reveal some little-known details about the 78-year-old commander in chief and his values.

Details on the aforementioned DEI report link are here.

Enter "DEI" in RedState's Search box for the site's previous posts on that cultural cancer.


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