Each of us gets older by the day until we don’t.
Sometimes the inevitable end comes quickly. Sometimes not, following a long period of mental and physical decay, typically during advanced senior years.
Sadly, we’re seeing that decline played out among numerous elected officials allegedly running our federal government these days. How do these oldtimers keep getting elected? I said, HOW DO THESE OLDTIMERS KEEP GETTING ELECTED?
They like the generous perks of those jobs, the public attention, and the $174,000 annual salary isn’t too bad, even with Bidenflation. Also, who would pay millions to influence the decisions of some retired Corvette owner in Delaware?
Prime example, of course, is Joe Biden. He was born 29,442 days ago and wants to remain president until 2029, when he’d be 86 years old. That’s even older than Wilford Brimley was.
The Founding Fathers, whom we celebrate every July 4th, were amazingly creative designing a new government that turns 247 this month. The nation’s designers were largely young. Thomas Jefferson, who wrote the Declaration, was only 33.
George Washington and Paul Revere were old-timers in their forties. James Madison was 25. Betsy Ross 24. Nathan Hale, who regretted having only one life to give for his country, lost it at 21. Alexander Hamilton was barely legal, too, at 21. Future Vice President Aaron Burr was 20.
And James Monroe, of later Monroe Doctrine fame, had just turned 18.

Those young nation fathers set minimum age limits for federal elective office: 25 for the House of Representatives, 30 for the Senate, and 35 to be president. So far, the youngest president was Teddy Roosevelt, who was 42 when he succeeded the assassinated William McKinley in 1901.
A favorite historical anecdote: McKinley didn’t actually die from the bullet in Buffalo. Eight days later, he succumbed to an infection acquired while removing the bullet long before antibiotics. So, 11 years later, when a bartender shot Roosevelt, the president finished his speech, then declined to let doctors operate. He died in 1919 with the bullet still in his chest.
The oldest president, of course, is Joe Biden, who sets a new record on every one of his numerous days off and short days at work. Polls show an overwhelming majority of Americans believe he’s too old to be president even now and lacks the mental acuity.
That happens. The oldest senator was Strom Thurmond, who died in office at 100, though his mind, shall we say, was on leave the last few years. Dianne Feinstein is 90 and, according to colleagues, is in much the same condition. She says she’s not resigning though, just won’t seek reelection next year.
Many also have their doubts watching stroke survivor John Fetterman arrive for Senate in shorts and gym sweats and display difficulty uttering coherent sentences. He’s 53.
But there’s no way to force them out.
That’s what aspiring Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley has proposed addressing, and that’s what this week’s audio commentary addresses. Comments welcome beneath here.
No column last week as I was off celebrating one of my own advanced senior birthdays. All of my columns and posts are always available here.
Did you catch our early look at the most likely losers in the GOP primary contest?
The most recent audio commentary looked at Americans’ widespread anxieties, why we have them, and what they mean.
Another audio that drew many listeners told the story of the little engine that could, Voyager I, now 15 billion miles from home. I love these kinds of tales.
I know I’m preaching to the converted here, but please share this info with friends and family, on social media, or the laundromat billboard. Using the discount code SAVEAMERICA at this subscription link will get them 50 percent off the best conservative commentary online.
That’s less than half a Starbucks. Or a McDonald’s ice cream cone. if any of their machines were ever working.