
MOTR, Ep. 47: What's Bothering Americans Most Has Just Changed

Americans are unhappy about a lot of things these days. Everything seems more expensive. People seem angrier about anything. Joe Biden’s behavior is embarrassing, especially around women.

So, what are Americans most concerned about these days?

Not what I expected. And it’s not inflation.

A new Gallup Poll gives us insights that I examine in this week’s audio commentary.

This week’s column seemed to hit a very responsive chord with readers:
The Real Story Inside Joe Biden’s Sudden Decision to Send Tanks to Ukraine

Last week’s audio op-ed drew a lot of listeners too. It examined an unexpected wrinkle within Donald Trump’s once-solid political base. It’s ominous for the long-term outlook of his 2024 campaign, which has been basically invisible until the last few days.

Now, it looks like former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, who was in Trump’s Cabinet as ambassador to the United Nations, is nearing an announcement of her 2024 candidacy. I took a look at another potential rival here.

The president’s wayward son is back in the news. Yes, he’s still trying to dodge child support for the little girl he fathered with an Arkansas stripper and deny her his last name. His “art” is still available for purchase if you want to curry favor with the Big Guy.

Hunter’s behind-the-scenes role is unclear still in the magical, illegally-held classified documents that keep appearing in places where Joe Biden has been, like his garage, home closet, and part-time office. Probably just a coincidence the classified material was found in the house where Hunter had lived for a good while.

But the son is considering now a national fundraising effort allegedly to cover the hefty legal fees he expects if Joe Biden’s Justice Department gets around to finishing its investigation of his influence-peddling and tax reporting and then indicting the son of its boss.

Donating could be a new way to curry favor with the former truck driver and civil rights activist.

Each week I recommend my colleague Streiff’s detailed and insightful roundup of the week’s news from the Russian invasion front because each week I learn stuff from his posts that I do not find anywhere else.

His story archive is here.

This post by Alex Parker just tickled me to no end. Nearly two centuries ago, an early donor to the University of Richmond was Thomas Williams. He and, over the decades, his family were generous donors to the school, such that one century ago the university named its law school after him.

Turns out, however, like many Virginians in pre-Civil War Days, Williams owned some slaves.

So, in the interests of retroactive Woke, the school has now removed his name from its law school.

Williams’ descendants did some calculations and demanded the school pay back all of its family’s donations with interest.

That would be right around $51 million.


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