Triggering: Joe Biden's Plan Could Cost Gun Owners $34 Billion

(AP Photo/Brennan Linsley, File)


Joe Biden wants to take a shovel to the nation’s gun game — can ya dig it?

If the swinger has his way — not only by being President of the United States but also in implementing his groovy gun moves — there’s good reason for panic at the disco.


The U.S. may not be ready for the BeeGees — that’s the Biden Gun laws.

And it’s even more true, given the economic difficulties of COVID-19.

Sure — you’ve seen cities in chaos as you’ve likely lost income due to the pandemic. But if you want a firearm to secure yourself in our New America, the cost is gonna be…heavy.

As reported by The Washington Free Beacon, Joe’s gun ban and tax plan could result in Americans paying tens of billions of dollars in new taxes — to keep the firearms they already own:

At least 20 million rifles and 150 million ammunition magazines would be caught up in the sales ban and registration scheme Biden touted on the campaign trail, according to a National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) report.

Sit on it for this one:

The new taxes would cost Americans more than $34 billion, according to a Washington Free Beacon analysis.

In the view of NSSF spokesman Mark Oliva, it’s a low-caliber idea:

“I think if [Biden and his team] were smart, they would look at those numbers and get an idea of where America stands on gun ownership and gun rights.”

So what’s Biden’s aim?

According to the Beacon, he wants to ban the sale of AR-15’s and similar weapons.

Also to be 86’d: Ammunition magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

For those not in the know, a standard magazine capacity for medium-sized pistols is 15.


AR-15 magazines commonly come with 30-round mags.

Joltin’ Joe would further pay some gun owners to surrender their compact cannons and force everyone to register their shooters under the National Firearms Act.

His plan would require owners to pay a $200 tax stamp per item.

The…scope…of the plan is triggering:

The report said the kinds of rifles Biden wants to ban made up nearly half of all rifles produced in 2018. … While NSSF used the latest Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives manufacturer reports, those only cover up to 2018…

Mark suspects an extreme undercount:

“That manufacturer’s report comes out [with] an 18 to 24-month delay. That number is probably significantly higher now.”

Higher indeed: As RedState has covered repeatedly, firearms purchases have shot through the roof this year. Whatever was happening two years ago is a pea shooter compared to the big guns of 2020’s blaster sales.

Per Mark, the guns Joe wants to ban are popular because they’re modular and customizable — what’s used in hunting can also offer profound power in home defense.

Here’s more from TWFB:

The report, which was released Monday, also found that 11.4 million firearms were made or imported into the United States in 2018. A further 9.3 million were made or imported in 2019. That brings the total number of firearms on the American market between 1991 and 2019 up to nearly 214 million.


It’s odd that the the Party of the Donkey’s Golden Child wants to disarm those trying to protect their families from attacks. Going back to my 70’s theme, as we’ve been told by the media for half a decade that it’s Donald Trump who’s the boogie man.

But for surely many millions of Americans, nothing’s scarier than society on the brink of chaos and nothing with which to defend oneself.



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