At Tulane University, students are swimming in irony as they protest water.
A group called Taking Action at TU has claimed the New Orleans college isn’t doing enough to protect them from COVID-19.
In an Instagram post, the organization announced the following:
“We say no more to the racist, capitalist, and imperialist structure that Tulane upholds! Tulane’s insatiable desire for profit will continue the spread of coronavirus in the city of New Orleans, on and off campus. We will not stand by as Tulane toys with black death! you shouldn’t either!!! Join us in the streets this Wednesday at 4:30 pm and let your voice be heard!!!
As with any condemnation of the “C” word, I have to wonder if whoever wrote the above knows the definition of capitalism, which is — of course — an economic system in which an individual may own his or her own business.
If I was standing on a golf ball, I’d likely lean toward No.
As for the group’s planned “die-in” to punctuate Tulane’s negligence where the virus is concerned, the school employed the kibosh: As it turned out, the demonstration was going to violate TU’s restrictions…aimed at protecting students from the virus.
On top of that, Taking Action at TU previously helped lead a march against police brutality during which participants eschewed social distancing.
See the protestors who tempt the virus who would like to further tempt the virus in an effort to protest tempting the virus tempt the virus below (Language Warning):
Here’s more from The Washington Free Beacon:
In an email to student activists, Tulane’s director of student conduct told the protest organizers that they had flouted campus coronavirus restrictions once and would face serious repercussions if they moved forward with the die-in. In August, students held a march entitled “#AbolishTUPD,” which violated several of the school’s COVID guidelines. Video footage obtained exclusively by the Washington Free Beacon shows hundreds of students marching—and not social distancing—while screaming “f— the system, f— the police.”
College senior Rachel Altman told the Free Beacon the attempted rally was an affront to logic:
“It makes no sense to complain that Tulane opening for small, in-person classes with enforced mask-wearing and social distancing puts the city in extreme danger, and then organize a protest where dozens of students march around without social distancing. It’s so hypocritical.”
Given the protest’s postponement, Taking Action at TU called on members to email college administrators in support of the Black Student Union.
The BSU, notes the Beacon, has made demands which include “reparations for the descendants of slaves who worked on the plantation that became Tulane’s campus nearly 200 years ago.”
An Instagram post put it like this:
“With re-opening [the school], it’s even more pressing that the university get a move-on with fixing long-standing issues of structural racism and other forms of oppression. Let’s get to emailing.”
So goes the battle for health and justice at the university level.
As for protesting lax regulations while violating them, Taking Action at TU might wanna pick a lane — so far, they’ve been in Tu…lane(s).
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