On Wednesday, CNN contributor Van Jones offered a sound idea: Democrats are in a “perilous situation.”
But why? According to him, because they’re focused on violent riots while ignoring the economic damage of the coronavirus.
Appearing on New Day, Jones laid it out thusly:
“[T]his campaign is going well for Donald Trump because we’re not talking about the economic devastation that people are experiencing — or the virus, really. And I think it’s time for us to recognize we — we are in a very perilous situation if you want to see a change in November.”
CNN’s @VanJones68 calls for "a national moratorium on these nighttime [BLM] marches. That would separate the responsible, productive demonstrations that have united the whole world from some of the other demonstrations that are just not as useful." pic.twitter.com/CtAtmzMrN8
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) September 2, 2020
Despite media reports and politicians’ claims, of course, those wreaking havoc aren’t Trumpers. Black-suited ninjas revolting against not revolting aren’t being mistaken by average Americans for right-wingers.
Therefore, Democrats have a mondo mess.
And while the economy’s of great concern, for the first time in contemporary history, a prominent political party finds itself attached to outright murder.
Call it a problem.
But Van seems to think not so much. In fact, it appears, he believes Joe’s criticism of violence is beating a dead horse.
From what I’ve seen, Biden’s position on murder and mayhem couldn’t impair My Little Pony, much less kill Trigger.
Meanwhile, Trigger Warning: People are being killed by the mob.
Here’s Van’s take:
“I do know that the longer we talk about violence and unrest and how he’s handling it or not handling it, it’s all advantage Trump.”
When have they been talking about it?
Van lamented the President’s “not going to challenge very strongly the police violence, vigilante justice,” but as for the revolutionary threat in the streets, he did point out that a question remains: How are Democrats “going to deal with the edges of violence in [their] own movement?”
He’s got a suggestion:
“We need a national moratorium on these nighttime marches.”
But don’t think for a moment Dems have left the worse wake:
“There have been a couple of hundred businesses that have been hurt by arsonists, there have been thousands that have been destroyed by mishandling this virus. We’ve got to get off of this conversation around unrest and back to the conversation around literally millions of people who are suffering from the Trump economy.”
I’m thinking that’s not going to work so well. In my view, if Biden and Kamala were to powerfully call out their own side — and harshly identify the criminals as such — they wouldn’t lose scores of the loyal Left, and they might substantially swing some swingers.
But maybe it doesn’t matter — to hear Van tell it, savagery’s the same on both sides:
“We have two social movements, both have edges of violence to them — one on the Left, one on the Right.”
Here’s a word:
In politics, the game is to never admit wrongdoing and to always blame the other side. But in this instance — one of violence, anarchy, America-hate, and murder — I’d say it’s time to go with something novel.
And radical.
In my opinion, Biden and Harris don’t simply need to denounce violence on the Left; they need to stun the country with their condemnation.
Otherwise, to many, this is the look of the Democratic Party:
Remember, @CNN & nearly all of the MSM has spent months defending antifa.
"We got them right here. We got a couple right here."
"Pull it out!"
"Right here?"
*shots fired*
And an innocent Trump supporter is killed by a leftwing anarchist. #BidenRiotspic.twitter.com/rKr38gc1YC
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) August 30, 2020
It’s truly sick@ParaleeAC pic.twitter.com/ddOEAsTFsX
— ☣️Spurgly Durglish☣️ (@SpurglyD) August 30, 2020
After finding out that it was a "blue lives matter" supporter who was killed, antifa in Portland are very happy. They're dancing and chanting now. #PortlandRiots pic.twitter.com/PeqyVUXfNE
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 30, 2020
“I am not sad that a f—ing fascist died tonight,” says a woman at the antifa gathering in downtown Portland. The crowd laughs and cheers. The ID of the deceased is not confirmed but he is believed to be a Trump & blue lives supporter. #PortlandRiots pic.twitter.com/XV6471FSuF
— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) August 30, 2020
“Death to America” was chanted by the mob as they marched through Oakland, California starting fires and vandalizing businesses
pic.twitter.com/8JUAPPYSox— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) August 31, 2020
And any way you slice it — in any economy — that’s not a good look.
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