On Saturday, a football coach laid out the state of white people.
His message: They don’t know about racism.
Therefore, they need to be schooled.
If you’re white, Pete Carroll wants you to learn about the realities of the world. And — evidently — to stop being the “R” word.
Pete’s allegedly worth $30 million — 133 times the median net worth of American families led by a head of household his age. And 2702 times that of families helmed by someone 35 or younger.
But he’s trying to spread the word about privilege.
Mr. Carroll’s quite famous, as well — he’s head coach for the Seattle Seahawks.
As reported by The Daily Wire, during a weekend conference call with the press, he said “white people” “need to be educated.”
According to Pete, slavery is alive and well:
“Rich guys making money…put together a system of slavery, and we’ve never left it.”
White people just don’t know it, explained the coach:
“As we’re speaking about all that’s going on, and this is about racism in America, white people don’t know. They don’t know enough. And they need to be coached up, and they need to be educated about what the heck is going on in the world. “
That would be, the things white people are doing.
He provided context:
“[W]hite guys came over from Europe and started a new country with a great idea and great ideals and wrote down great writings and laws and all of that about democracy and freedom and equality for all. And then that’s not what happened, because we went down this other road here and followed economics – rich white guys making money – and they put together a system of slavery, and we’ve never left it, really. It’s never gone away.”
And black Americans are exasperated:
“Black people can’t scream anymore, they can’t march anymore, they can’t bare their souls anymore to what they’ve lived with for hundreds of years…”
Mr. Carroll observed that black people are in the know, unlike willfully deaf whites:
“The really amazing thing that I’ve learned is that black people know the truth, they know exactly what’s going on. It’s white people that don’t know. It’s not that they’re not telling us; they’ve been telling us the stories. We know what’s right and what’s wrong, we just have not been open to listen to it. We’ve been unwilling to accept the real history. We’ve been taught a false history of what happened in this country; we’ve been basing things on false premises, and it has not been about equality for all; it has not been about freedom for all; it has not been opportunity for all, and it needs to be. Because this is a humanity issue we’re dealing with.”
Do you believe most white people love everyone regardless of race? It appears Pete doesn’t:
“This is a white people’s issue to get over and learn what’s going on and to figure it out and start loving everybody that is part of our country, and that want to come to our country, wherever they want to come from.”
Black football players are screaming to be heard, he pointed out. And white folks should understand, because they want to be heard, too. But apparently they don’t.
And he wants people to know: You’re supposed to treat everyone equally.
Many refuse; and it started early on:
“Our players are screaming at us, ‘Can you feel me? Can you see me? Can you hear me?’. White children and families want to be. It’s no different because we’re all the same. There’s a lot of people who don’t see it that way, but there’s a lot of people that do, and I’m hoping that from this point forward, maybe there’s a new door to open for us, and we can walk through it together with the thought of doing what’s right. What’s right is treating people equally, we know that. Forefathers knew it. They wrote it all down; they just didn’t do it. They got caught up in making money and they figured out a way to do it, and it meant persecuting and abusing an entire race of people.”
Pete raises a foundational question: Are most white Americans racist? Are they continuing slavery?
Long ago, men traveled to a foreign land to buy people as property. The buyers were white, but those from whom they purchased — like many slave owners throughout history — were not. As pointed out by the brilliant Thomas Seole in his book Black Rednecks and White Liberals — and despite recent statements by congressional Democrat and former DNC Chair Tim Kaine — slavery has a past going back much farther than America. And pasty faces.
Watch and Learn:
As for Tim, he must not’ve cracked open the Old Testament much:
Sen. Tim Kaine: "The United States didn't inherit slavery from anybody. We created it." pic.twitter.com/VM86sRrtn1
— The Hill (@thehill) June 16, 2020
Over time, of course, our nation decided slavery was wrong. Yet, during the last century — while black Americans fought for their rights — there were whites who prominently stood in the way, declaring their commitment against equality.
These days, it seems, we’re frequently told the pale among us are still thinking the same — that fairness is wrong and mustn’t be allowed.
Like Pete said, Caucasian Americans need to “start loving everybody that is part of our country.”
And so I ask: Where are those in disagreement with equality?
It’d be nice if they’d present themselves, so we could more effectively address ’em.
For now, I guess, we’ll have to trust they’re there.
We’re told by politicians, famous figures, and the media they’re all around.
So compute your fluke, coy racists — realize that equality is right.
And stop being rich white guys perpetuating ownership of black people. So instructs Coach Pete Carroll, NFL titan.
See more pieces from me:
The Baltimore Ravens Release a Statement, Try Their Hand at Criminal Investigation and Legislation
Portlanders in Need Had to Fend for Themselves, and You Won’t Believe Just One Night’s Crime
NYU Student Group Petitions for Black-Only Housing So They ‘Can Feel Included’
Find all my RedState work here.
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