Back in July, I covered the story of Jessica Yaniv, a man identifying as a lesbian suing Canadian businesses who refused to give his penis and testicles a vagina wax.
Clinicians had tried to explain to him: Waxing a woman is different than waxing a man. But he demanded to be treated real ladylike.
One proud lesbian. I'll never give up fighting for human rights equality. #LGBTQoftwitter pic.twitter.com/sKyjJ0Um39
— Jessica Yaniv (@trustednerd) June 16, 2019
As I wrote at the time:
Note to all men searching for scrotum service: If a technician tells you she can’t help because she doesn’t know how to properly rip the hair out of your sack, TRUST HER. That’s not something you want done by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing.
But he was willing, apparently, to take one for the team:
This is not about waxing. This is about businesses and individuals using their religion and culture to refuse service to protected groups because -they- don’t agree with it or the person and use that to illegally discriminate contrary to the BC Human Rights Code and the CHRC. https://t.co/34XIklXXbh
— Jessica Yaniv (@trustednerd) July 18, 2019
It’s been a few months, but justice-seeking Jessica’s back. And this time he’s fighting the discrimination of gynecologists refusing to inspect him.
Perhaps he didn’t realize there’s not a “u” in the word.
Here’s what he had to say Monday night:
“Ok so @FraserHealth needs to stop hiring employees who are discriminatory towards the #LGBTQ and use their bulls*** excuses on why they can’t see you even though you have a referral from the emergency department and live in the Fraser Health area!! I want help and can’t get it!!”
Jessica continued with specifics, at which point he did in fact use a more British spelling, but it didn’t help:
“So a gynaecologist office that I got referred to literally told me today that ‘we don’t serve transgender patients.’ And me, being me, I’m shocked.. and confused… and hurt.”
I’d say he’s risking more for equality than ever before — a speculum would surely open more than a can of worm worms if applied to a urethra.
Jessica did explain, however, that gynecologists are part of the team supposed to aid transgender and non-binary patients:
The activist was at the ready: He’s filing a Human Rights complaint:
It certainly won’t be his maiden voyage.
From The Daily Wire:
Yaniv made headlines earlier this year when the activist filed at least 15 human rights complaints against female estheticians in Canada for refusing to wax his male genitals, as noted by The Daily Wire.
However, in October, the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms, a group that represented five of the women being targeted by Yaniv, announced that the activist’s cases against their clients had been tossed by the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal. Moreover, Yaniv was instructed to pay $2,000 each to at least three of the women.
Well, if at first you don’t succeed…
To be clear, I wholly endorse Jessica presenting himself however he wishes; that is absolutely what he should do. That said, I do wonder how a doctor specializing in the vagina, uterus, and other female parts might help him lead a healthier life.
It sounds like he may be headed toward another dismissal.
Here’s more of how things went last go ’round, as per TDW:
According to the [Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms], the [BC Human Rights Tribunal’s] decision said that “human rights legislation does not require a service provider to wax a type of genitals they are not trained for and have not consented to wax.” Moreover, it was noted that Yaniv “engaged in improper conduct” and “filed complaints for improper purposes.” The activist’s testimony, according to the ruling, was “disingenuous and self-serving,” and Yaniv was “evasive and argumentative and contradicted herself.”
‘Tis true the 16th time could be the charm.
But in this case, ’tain’t likely.
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