Can someone with a beard be a woman?
How about if they’re sportin’ the macho part that guys have “down there”?
These are questions recently asked, and not on an elementary school science test. Rather, they were put to Hillary Clinton and daughter Chelsea — at an event supporting their book in praise of chicks with intestinal fortitude.
One of the people championed in The Book of Gutsy Women: Favorite Stories of Courage and Resilience is Danica Roem — the first man identifying as a woman to be elected to an American state legislature.
And while speaking with British reporter Decca Aitkenhead for a piece to be published in The Sunday Times, the two were quizzed on the aforementioned female adornments.
As noted by the Daily Mail, 39-year-old Chelsea didn’t have to think about it for even a sec:
71-year-old Hillary, according to the DM, looked “uneasy.”
Here’s how Hil climbed it:
“Errr. I’m just learning about this. It’s a very big generational discussion, because this is not something I grew up with or ever saw. It’s going to take a lot more time and effort to understand what it means to be defining yourself differently.”
I’m just spitballin’ here, but I believe that was a genuine answer.
Here’s an interesting bit about female and male from the Mail:
According to Aitkenhead’s account, she tells Hillary during the interview that many British feminists of Hillary’s generation have a problem with the idea that a “lesbian who doesn’t want to sleep with someone who has a penis is transphobic.”
Hillary nods in agreement, while Chelsea “stiffens and stares at me,” according to Aitkenhead.
The journalist then adds that many women of Hillary’s generation are uncomfortable with biological males sharing women’s bathrooms.
“I would say that, absolutely,” Hillary nods firmly. “Absolutely. Yes.”
That’s when Chelsea begins shooting a “furious stare” at Aitkenhead, who points it out to her.“I’m a terrible actor,” Chelsea laughs.
Chelsea also expressed delight at the National Health Service’s new policy of assigning single-sex wards according to gender identity rather than biology:
“How can you treat someone if you don’t recognize who they feel and know in their core they are?”
And she Amen’d the entrance of men into women’s athletics:
“And I strongly support children being able to play on the sports teams that match their own gender identity. I think we need to be doing everything we can to support kids in being whoever they know themselves to be and discovering who they are.”
In the world of wokeness, Hillary’s no slouch herself — she recently explained her decision to stay with Bill amid his exposed romps with Monica Lewinsky thusly:
“Sometimes, when your child has an issue — I had a friend a few years ago who called up and said ‘I don’t know who to talk to about this, but my little girl wants to be a boy. What do I do?’ And, you know, several of us kind of — we didn’t know what to do, we never had a friend who’d faced that before. Several of us kind of read everything and talked to people and gave her advice and it was really gutsy for her to say, ‘Okay, I’m going to respect the feelings of my child, as hard as it is for me to understand this.’”
But she seemed to slip with The Sunday Times, and I’d expect there to be a backlash to her response:
“I think you’ve got to be sensitive to how difficult this is. There are women who’d say [to a man identifying as a woman], ‘You know what, you’ve never had the kind of life experiences that I’ve had. So I respect who you are, but don’t tell me you’re the same as me.’ I hear that conversation all the time.”
It’s dicey territory, but maybe she’s actually right — she does believe in being “gutsy.”
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