At a Monday night rally in North Carolina, Donald Trump got in a jab at Barak Obama.
Trump’s comment was mystifying, given his position in the political cosmos: According to many of his critics, he’s a madman plotting — with or without Russia — world domination; at the same time, many on the Left seem to believe it’s his responsibility to take care of the globe. Nationalism, in case you’ve not heard, is now a bad thing.
But Trump knows his boundaries:
“You finally have a president who understands that I’m not supposed to be president of the world; I’m supposed to be President of the United States of America. Obama is more popular in Germany than Trump. He’s got to be. I’m making people pay their bills. The day I’m more popular than him, I’m not doing my job. They like him more in Europe than they like Trump. I think they should.”
That is, in my view, a substantial point.
Trump continued, referencing the fact that the Fayetteville event had been moved to the Crown Expo Center in order to keep a bigger-than-expected crowd out of the rain:
“I was even willing to stand out in the rain and get my hair soaking wet but they said it was a little bit out of your district. But I was willing to do it. I would’ve taken it. I would’ve been very proud to have done it. It would have shown it’s my real hair at least. It’s my hair. May not be great, but I will say it’s better than most of my friends’ who are the same age. A lot better.”
Wow again — a bit of self-deprecation. That’s a Trump rarity and — by me, at least — welcome.
The Donald went on with his hint-of-meekness message:
“You must never forget that the 2020 election is about one thing: You.
“It’s true. It’s not about me. It’s about you. It’s about your family, your future, and the fate of your country. … A vote for any Democrat in 2020 and a vote for any Democrat tomorrow in North Carolina is a vote for the rise of radical socialism and the destruction of the American dream. We are entering this campaign with the best record, the best results, the best agenda.”
Socialism sure has caught on among the Left — that and a few other ideas, as the Commander-in-Chief pointed out:
“Democrats are now the party of high taxes, high crime, open borders, late-term abortion, and socialism. They are socialists. The Republican party is the party of the American worker, the American family, and the American dream. … Democrats even want to give free health care to illegal immigrants… And as long as I’m your president, I will never, ever let Democrats take away your health care and give it away free to people that have entered our country illegally. We can’t do that. It’s a tremendous incentive to come in. Democrats also want to bring in unlimited numbers of foreign refugees from overseas, all at the expense of supporting their own communities. Republicans, no matter what you do, where you are, we want people to obey our laws.”
It is perhaps a bit surprising that some currently hoping to lead America don’t appear to be particularly promoting — compared to election cycles of the past — America.
There’s talk of Mexico (here, here, here, and here), people shouldering a greater tax burden (here), fighting white-hooded thunderstorms (here), and — of course — men spreading open their legs and pushing out goo-covered infants (good Lord here).
As for stuff that actually has to do with Americans and their prosperousness, Trump wants people to know he’s got ’em covered:
“We want people that are going to help our country. The Democratic Party has never been farther outside of the mainstream.”
Sure seems that way. But I’d believe it a little more coming from the President of the World. Drats.
If you’d like to watch the rally, I’ve included it in its entirety above.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here, here, here, and here, here, here, and here.
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