On Thursday, RedState’s Brandon Morse brought to the spotlight black Republican Terrence K. Williams and his riled rhapsody on Debra Messing.
Well, Terrence is back. And this time, he’s going off on former ESPN host — and newly-hired writer for The Atlantic — Jemele Hill.
Jemele recently outed herself as a segregationist, which is a strange move on the other side of the Civil Rights movement.
She made the news in 2017 for labeling the President a white supremacist, and she’s returned to headlines this week with her call to all black athletes to make a mass exodus from “white colleges” (here).
Very proud that my first magazine piece for @TheAtlantic is appearing in the October issue. Been working on it for some time. Here it is —> Why Black Athletes Need to Leave White Colleges https://t.co/orCDWF8UkT
— Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) September 5, 2019
A few choice lines from her inaugural Atlantic reach for the days before MLK:
- Black athletes have attracted money and attention to the predominantly white universities that showcase them. Meanwhile, black colleges are struggling.
- Beyond sports, the average HBCU endowment is only one-eighth that of the average predominantly white school; taken together, all of the HBCU endowments combined make up less than a tenth of Harvard’s.
- [B]lack colleges play an important role in the creation and propagation of a black professional class. Despite constituting only 3 percent of four-year colleges in the country, HBCUs have produced 80 percent of the black judges, 50 percent of the black lawyers, 50 percent of the black doctors, 40 percent of the black engineers, 40 percent of the black members of Congress, and 13 percent of the black CEOs in America today.
- If promising black student athletes chose to attend HBCUs in greater numbers…perhaps they could disrupt the reign of an “amateur” sports system that uses the labor of black folks to make white folks rich.
Now let’s get down to business.
Take it away, Terrence:
Colin Kaepernicks biggest supporter@jemelehill wants SEGREGATION!
MLK Would be ashamed of her! She needs to read the
“I Have a Dream” SpeechI thinks she’s racist & hateful!
Who’s with me?👉#RacistJemeleHill
#RacistJemeleHill pic.twitter.com/ugRrboCbQu— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) September 7, 2019
I like this guy.
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Relevant RedState links in this article: here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Let’s Talk About Beto – He’s Sure Talking About You…Racists
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