How about some good news on a Tuesday?
An amazing and inspiring rescue was caught on video Friday as a servant of the people saved a toddler and her grandmother from an inferno in Hazelwood, Missouri.
Around 11:30 a.m., police responded to reports of a house fire at the 100 block of Becker.
Officer Rodriguez arrived first to find the main floor filled engulfed and desperate cries of help coming from a basement window.
The cop’s body camera caught him rushing to the window and KI-YAH! He kicked it open, pulled out the 3-year-old girl, and planted her little feet on solid, flame-free ground.
With the help of a neighbor, he next extracted grandma Latonya Hart.
God is good — Latonya told St. Louis’s KMOV4:
“When I knew someone was right there, to help me get her out there, my whole mood changed. I was like, thank you Lord, thank you God, somebody is here.”
The brave firefighters of Hazelwood, Florissant Valley, and Berkeley showed up and blasted the blaze.
Good guys: 1; Peril: 0.
Both grandmother and precious granddaughter were treated at the scene; no need for a hospital. Their two dogs are safe as well.
Everything in the house was lost, but things can be replaced.
To help out, a GoFundMe page has been created.
Click here to discover more.
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