On June 4th, Sister Toldjah covered a pregnant member of the Illinois state legislature giving “a powerful speech opposing (an) extreme pro-abortion bill.”
Sister wrote:
Since [State Rep. Avery Bourne] has given her speech, the Illinois State Senate passed the bill as well. It now goes to Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D), who is expected to sign it.
On Wednesday the 12th, the governor lent his signature to — in the words of The Daily Wire — “the nation’s most permissive abortion bill.”
Abortion in Illinois is now allowed up until birth.
Let’s not get used to those three words, despite here and here. I’ll say it again:
Abortion in Illinois is now allowed up until birth.
There’s a word for that: murder.
If a child is born at 11:57, but at 11:56 she could’ve been crushed and chopped up, what else would that act be?
The law does away with the state’s previous partial-birth abortion ban.
Licensing requirements for those who perform abortions are no more, and all insurance providers must now pay for abortion in full. That applies to Christian health-share options as well.
Furthermore, it removes previous protection for doctors and other medical professionals who oppose abortion and refuse to take part.
And gone are inspection requirements for abortion clinics.
Notably, the language of “reproductive rights” has been changed to “fundamental right.”
The governor took time to say something that makes no logical sense whatsoever, but sounds good. Hey — there’s a word for that. What’s that called? Oh yeah — politics (like here).
Speak, J.B.:
“Today we proudly proclaim that in this state, we trust women.”
He trusts women who believe the law is immoral?? Guess he’ll be undoing it then.
He also said this, which made no sense since he trusts those women:
“And in Illinois we guarantee as a fundamental right a woman’s right to choose.”
As for that procedure at 11:56, murder should never be a choice.
Relevant RedState links in this article: here and here, and here.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Academy Award Winner Jon Voight Defends Upcoming Pro-Life Film, ‘Roe V. Wade’
NUT: Left-Winger Fights Brexit By Stripping Naked On Live TV & Challenging Politician To Nude Debate
Pope Francis Biographer & Catholic Media Founder Asks Why Anyone Would Assume Jesus Was Straight
Find all my RedState work here.
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