Just a short while ago, consumers weren’t forcibly made aware of companies’ politics. Perhaps the producers of your favorite popcorn were agnostic druids who never met a trade embargo they didn’t like, couldn’t stand the Federal Reserve, voted for Ross Perot, craved a ban on 11-inch knives, and protested at every NORML rally west of the Mississippi — but you’d never know.
These days, corporations seem keen to shove unrelated opinions up potential customers like a mass-marketing colonoscopy.
Apropos of such, Gillette has released a revolutionary commercial.
Just months ago, the razor-maker slapped a few teeth out of the American male with its trampling of toxic masculinity. In April, it championed the conquering victories of the morbidly obese:
Go out there and slay the day 💪🏼 📸 Glitter + Lazers pic.twitter.com/cIc0R3JfpR
— Gillette Venus (@GilletteVenus) April 3, 2019
And now it appeals to face-shaving biological females.
The company’s newest ad — released Saturday — introduces a youngster exploring self-identity.
In a deep voice:
“I went into my transition just wanting to be happy. I’m glad I’m at the point where I’m able to shave.”
“Growing up, I was always trying to figure out what kind of man I wanted to become, and I’m still trying to figure out what kind of man that I want to become.”
A beaming father is present for his biological daughter’s punim pruning. While mastering the mandibular manscape, his child repeats:
“North, north, east, west, never in a hurry.”
Dad smiles in approval.
He coaches:
“Now don’t be scared. Don’t be scared. Shaving is about being confident. Aw, you’re doing fine. You are doing fine.”
They hug.
For the new shaver, it’s Mission Accomplished:
“I’m at the point in my manhood where I’m actually happy.”
Then a caption:
“Whenever, wherever, however it happens, your first shave is special.”
Gillette is, per the ad, “the best a man can get.”
As for a biological female celebrating the need to whack at whiskers, it seems to me that shaving is a giant pain. Gillette didn’t become successful because people love to do it; they made billions because millions are pressured to not look unkempt.
Regardless, on April 25th, RedState’s Brandon Morse wrote that Gillette took a financial hit in the aftermath of their ad insulting men. Do you believe the trans campaign will produce similar results? Please let us all know in the Comments section.
See 3 more pieces from me:
Billionaire Diamond Mogul Dies During Penis Enlargement Surgery
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