Are you a pro-life Democrat? If so, it’s time for you to hit the road, Jack.
Leaders of the goofily-named Congressional Progressive Caucus are calling for the Democratic Campaign Committee to end its support for five politicians. And why? ‘Cause they’re the only remaining pro-life Democrats in all of Congress.
The CPC wants pro-abortion Dems to fill those seats.
To be clear, I say “goofily-named” for two reasons: 1) Capitalism, as a governmental system, is relatively new; communism and socialism are old. Therefore, objectively, left-wing policies are a move backward not forward. 2) I can’t comfortably call an organization by name when their title is self-complimentary. If you changed your name to Mr. or Mrs. Supercool, I’d probably just call you Ed or Mabel.
Moving on:
According to Newsweek, CPC Co-Chair Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s made stunningly clear she ain’t got nothin’ for any Blue Party member not takin’ a pro-choice approach to abortion. Ya’ll can get the heck out:
“I think we should allow for strong primary challenges, so that people can really put their Democratic chops on the line, if you will, and let the Democratic voters decide who they want. You can’t say you’re a Democrat if you’re against immigrants, if you’re against abortion, if you’re against gay marriage and LGBTQ rights. I’m not sure what it means to be a Democrat if all of those things are true.”
So now pro-abortion politics are “Democratic chops.”
This sure ain’t Billy Graham’s Democrats.
Pramila means business:
“I understand that the DCCC is funded by—we are a membership organization—it’s funded by our members. And I understand that the DCCC is often going to try to protect the incumbent. But I do think we have to look at all of these issues and think about what it means to be a Democrat.”
As told to the Daily Beast by Communications director Waleed Shahid, the folks over at Justice Democrats — which first recruited Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to run for office — agree:
“It’s hypocritical for the Democratic Party leadership to continue to protect [pro-life Dems] while claiming to fight against the attacks on reproductive rights in states like Georgia and Alabama.”
Meanwhile, The Root notes that Louisiana’s pro-life governor is set to sign an anti-abortion bill.
Gov. John Bel Edwards wants pro-life peeps:
“My position hasn’t changed. In eight years in the Legislature, I was a pro-life legislator. When I ran for governor, I said that I was pro-life. And so that’s something that’s consistent.”
Talk about going against the flow.
Maybe the five congressional Dems — Illinois Rep. Dan Lipinski, Minnesota Rep. Collin Peterson, Texas Rep. Henry Cuellar, West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, and Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey — can get some help from anti-euthanasia, anti-capital punishment, anti-abortion non-profit Democrats for Life of America. Hey — there’s a blue group that ain’t pro-choice.
But it may not help a ton. As per DLA’s Wikipedia page, their President is Janet Robert; their revenue is $51,038; and their number of employees? 1.
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